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myOtaku.com: Faroe

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A great day and no one will take that from me!

Hey all! How is everyone today? I've been very well and in fact, I am doing so great!!!! I got to go to Bush Gardens today with my sister and my little brother (we have two year passes because we live so close to the park) and my mother didn't go with is! I felt so happy because i actually got to have fun and enjoy myself and not be tied down with a miserable person. I took pictures and rode rides, I talked with my sister and brother, I got to see things I never seen before, I just had so much friggin' fun!!!! I was gone all day so I was unable to post earlier but I'm here now. lol

So CrystalFlute, why are you not gonna post for a while? I really don't want you to go back into that shy shell. I'll grab my hammer and take it off! lol just kidding. *huggles back* I just want you to be happy and free here... that's all... I was worried that you were going to leave us. I just know that you are a great friend and I don't want to lose one on here. All my friends here are amazing and we are a family! lol I really hope that your grandmother will get better, I will keep you and her in my prayers. Oh and don't thank me for being a good friend. I want to be a good friend and I don't need any thanks because it's such a pleasure to do so! lol Please take care

To X Shadowme X, I'm sorry about your bad news. Some people can be really sneaky. Wolves in sheep's clothing is what describes them best. Sometimes in life, people we meet may not be so great even if they make themselves look great. People who really wish you well are few and far apart. Just keep the real friends close and love them.

Okay, so today I was thinking about how great it would be if I had teleporting powers. I think it would be the best! I could go anywhere I please in the blink of an eye. I could visit my friends, see my boyfriend, rob a bank, see great historical sites all in the blink of an eye. How amazing..... lol but hey, I gotta do things the hard way now.

SO there is a quote that I really love. It goes:
A relationship built without friendship is like a mansion built upon sand.

Isn't that so true? I can really say that people who are not friends at first and want to be closer will fall apart before the good stuff really happens. Many people are talking about how they don't like to handle relationships but I say if you start off as friends then the hard stuff in a relationship wont be anything to tough. Just take that advice and maybe being in a relationship wont be so hard. All in all just love yourselves and good things will happen. It works!

I'm so sleepy today. I bet it's because I had a long day at Bush Gardens. I also got a lot of sun too. I'm a little red but I tan the next day so it's good! I get really tan when I spend the day out in the sun. I'll post some pictures tomorrow if you guys want? lol

Anyway, I'll best be off now. Gonna go to the dentist tomorrow so I can get rid of this cavity. See you all later!!! Luv Yas!!!

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