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myOtaku.com: Faroe

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Don't bother none

Hello everyone! How are you? Sorry about yesterday… I wasn’t able to really comment on your sites yesterday because my mom wanted me off the computer and well, she started to throw a fit so I was unable to really do anything at all online. Today, I will do my best to try and comment. I’m so busy trying to stay away from my mom because whenever she sees me on my laptop or cell phone, she says I’m acting immature. Honestly, I have nothing to do at home. I work all day and I would like to be able to do something. I like to spend some time online with friends because that’s the only way I can talk to them or hang out with you guys. She never lets me go out to hang with them so this is how I keep my social life. Online. Thanks mother.

So, yesterday when Israel called me, I just burst into tears because I felt so sad and I know he will sit and listen to me. Hearing his voice comforts me and hearing him tell me how he will be back in August really makes me feel happy again because my family doesn’t really like me as a person. My mother wants me to do everything for her while my little brother doesn’t want to be near the family and my sister doesn’t act like my sister anymore…. Once Israel gets here I will be able to feel like I’m really apart of someone’s life. I think that’s a human need isn’t it? To be wanted and needed? My mom tells me how I am not needed in the family and how everyone wants me gone…. But she won’t let me leave. I want to so bad but she won’t let me save up and she takes every penny I earn. What am I to do? Israel wants me to move in with him but I’m a little afraid too. What if I annoy him and he hates me? Or what if something happens and he goes away to boot camp and I’m all alone. However, my mind is set on taking the chance with Israel but the catch is: if I leave home with or without Israel, I will burn the bridge with my family. I feel like I’m stuck in a prison with a way out but way to afraid to take that chance to run because I’m fearing so much I’ll be shot down and brought back to the cell again and be laughed at. I want to live so bad!!! But I am afraid I won’t know how to once I get out there. Everyone says it’s tough but how can it be tougher than living with a woman who calls you a cunt whore bitch all the time. Someone who makes you act like a five year old because I still live under her roof yet I pay all the bills? If living on my own means I pay bills and I starve occasionally then I will take it. At least I will keep my sanity. I don’t care if my mother is sick. No one treats anyone this way.

Anyway, I’m going to get going now so I can read your posts. Today I worked early and got out in the afternoon. I’m gonna take a rest and start my vacation. I hope to hear from you all soon. You guys are the best!

Best friend award Pictures, Images and Photos

That's for all my friends!!! You guys really mean a lot to me. thank you

P.S. CrystalFlute!!! Why is your site turned off???

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