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myOtaku.com: Exiled Empress

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

   Hello there!
Well it's been awhile since I've posted. So here I am again =D.

*Christmas Eve*

Me and my lil bro gift wrapped all of the presents we had to give while my mom and dad did the tamales (yuuuumm). We left the gift wrapping til the last moment (ah...procrastination is bad and awesome at the same time). Yeah, we came up with creative ideas on the decoration part of it. We finished in like 4 hours. Hey, that's an improvement from the 2 days of gift wrapping for last year. I now have more practice so it's all good.


I received clothes (which is awesome coz I need them for school). I thought that was all I was receiving. But then, my lil bro did the "Christmas Story" stunt. I don't know if any of you have watched "A Christmas Story" (the 'You'll shoot your eye out!' movie) with Ralphie wanting the BB Gun and in the end he thinks he doesn't get one but the dad tells him to look behind the desk and voila! There's the present he wanted. Well my lil bro did the same, only, it was behind the TV furniture. I was like "OMG! There's something else for me?!" I pulled it out and it came in the form of a CD. I ripped it open and to my glorious surprise, it was M83's new CD "Before the Dawn Heals Us". Yay! I was very happy. He made my day. Aw! I felt bad for sometimes being a b*tch to him, but he knows I just play around like that. lol! He went his own way to get me the CD ^_^ *is eternally grateful*.

*After Christmas*

Woke up early to head for the mall. My dad was home so I didn't have to drive all the way there =P.

There was a lot of people there. I went to the Vans store and bought me some classic vans. Yay! Then afterwards, me and my lil bro headed for Sam Goody, a CD and DVD store. I discovered their anime CD section and found the one I wanted to get my hands on: Paranoia Agent!! I also saw the Petite Cossette one and a Samurai Champloo CD. There were so many, but I got the Paranoia Agent one.
I went to the big line to pay and I didn't notice til later that infront of us (me and my lil bro), was this one guy from high school who *supposedly* had a crush on me(everyone said that he did and wanted to ask me out but I never asked him if that was true). Haha...I didn't mean to ignore the guy, but I was too excited about the CD and I was talking to my lil bro about stuff. I didn't notice this dude til he moved to the register to pay. So, whatever...I got my CD and I was very happy. Yayay!

*After that*

I've stayed home and played video games all day. Blah...I should be doing something more useful...Maybe later on today. lol!!

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that my Japanese novela, (I had to use 'novela' coz 'soap opera' sounds weird) titled "Gokusen", (yes, it's based on the anime!) finished on Sunday. I was so sad it ended. Boo!



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