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myOtaku.com: Emmah

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

In The Name Of All That Is Crap...
Our boiler broke yesterday. Meaning we have no heating or hot water. Okay, the lack of heating I can deal with, as it's warm enough as it is X_X But not the lack of hot water.

The housing association people wouldn't send someone out to fix it yesterday, as it's not classed as an emergency (no hot water? Not an emergency?). But they are coming out today... Which is a bit of bastard, as I need to bathe/shower. I was going to go down to my Nan's to steal her shower, but we don't know when the people are turning up to fix the boiler, so we can't actually leave the house in case they turn up...

Which means, I am going to have to bathe/shower when my Mother gets home. Because then she or Dad can stay here whilst the other takes me down to Nan's. If the boiler isn't fixed by then, of course.

On a much more painful note...

My rabbit bit me.
I was feeding the little bastard, and he BIT MY FINGER!
It actually drew blood. It doesn't hurt or anything, but I was annoyed that he bit me. The little fucker.

On a more depressing note...

I have work later on tonight. Which should be a laugh and a half. Not.

OH! At the weekend, the DSA (Driving Standards Association - who you book your driving tests with) sent me a letter to say that my driving test on MONDAY (as in, this Monday coming) had been cancelled due to 'unforseen circumstances'.

They'd rearranged it for Tuesday instead, at twenty past eight in the morning. TWENTY PAST EIGHT! Bastards.

Anyway, I sent my driving instructor a text yesterday, telling her to call me as soon as she could (because I didn't know if she was busy or not, seeing as it was Bank Holidy Monday). It turned out that she definitely wouldn't be able to do the test at that time in the morning. I wouldn't even be out of bed.

So, she went online, and has changed it now. I have ages to wait again -_-' My test is now in JUNE! On the 22nd!!! Fucking ages away *sighs*. I hate it when things like that happen *shakes fist*.

Erm... I dunno what else I have to say *thinks*. I need to do lots of fanfiction planning, so that when I have two weeks off from work in a few weeks time, I can just write to my heart's content =)

I also need to become more active around TheO again... I was for a while, you know, submitting dodgy wallpapers, e-cards and fanarts... But that's slowed down again. It seems to can never stick to both fanfictions and TheO equally XD It has to be one or the other.

I made my very first avatar the other day, thinking about it. It doesn't flash or do any fancy tricks, and in fact, it is quite shit. But I still like it XD I tried to make another one last night, but GIMP was playing silly buggers and was doing things I didn't want it to =|

Anyhoo... I must go and... Update some other random websites =|

Pip pip!

..:: EDIT ::..

I have just made my day a little bit better by paying for a premium account on TheO.

I'm happy =)

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