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myOtaku.com: Emmah

Thursday, January 24, 2008

   A Random Survey To Revealll Some More About Moi
Time: 2.33 in the pm
Mood: Happy
Currently: Thinking about teeeaaaa
Song: 1985 - Bowling For Soup


What word most annoys you? Sound. It's a stupid word.

What is your most overused phrase? Oh my God.

Do you have a myspace? I do.

Who doesnt? XbangXbangX.

Do you add people you dont even know? Noooope. But they seem to add me *rolls eyes*.

What's your favorite brand of clothing? Err, don't really have one 0_o

Let me guess, Hollister or American Eagle of course? And they are what now?

Are you jealous of anyone? Not particularly =D

Do you think anyone is jealous of you? Why would they be? 0_o

Do you want kids some day? Hmmm someday...

If so, how many? Probably 2. Maybe 3.

What do you like most about the opposite sex? Eeeeyyyyessss.

Beer or Liquor? Beer sucks, so I'll say liquor.

What kind? Does Vodka count?

Do you have a crush on someone right now? Noooooo.

Do you think anyone has a crush on you? Hahaha don't make me laugh.

Put the initials of someone you think is hot. *Thinks*... JL.

What song was last stuck in your head? Shaun the bloody Sheep.

Whats your favorite movie of all time? Ooooh God, I dunno. Titanic? Thri13en Ghosts? Pirates of the Caribbean? Cast Away?

Song? Living on a Prayer - Bon Jooooviiii.

Blondes, Brunettes, or Redheads? Well... How am I answering this question?? Am I picking which ones best, or which one I prefer in the opposite sex?? Hmm, I'm naturally blonde-ish, but dye my hair brown, so they rock... But I prefer brunettes in the opposite sex =D

Tan or pale? I am pale. With moles.

Are you a virgin? Aye.

Do you lie all the time? Nooooope. Who does that? 0_o

Have you ever been so drunk you peed your pants? Nope. But that reminds me of that time at a rave... When Salmon peed on his shoe... Hahahaha.

What time is it? 14.25.

& what is todays date? I thought it was the 25th of Jan, but it's actually the 24th.

If your in school, do you have school spirit? I never had school spirit.

Whats your favorite color? Puuuurrrrple.

Would you date someone that is 10 years older? Hmmm... Probably not.

If I payed you 100 dollars, would you eat a can of dog food? No. Because what the hell am I gonna do with Dollars when I live in England?!

Whats your screen name? For what? On Myspace it's 'Emma of the Bayles Variety', and on MSN, it is... '- Emmah - Do your balls hang low, do they wobble to and fro?'.

& whats your myspace password? JesuswasaGod. No, I'm lying.

Are you depressed? Do I look dperessed?

Are both of your parents still alive? As far as I know, yes.

Whats your favorite ice cream? Cornish vanilla. Heaven.

What kind of cologne/perfume do you usually wear? I can't wear perfume because I'm allergic to it. So I wear body spray. At the moment, it's Charlie Ice Queen (I think 0_o).

Deodorant? Dove. The one that doesn't show white marks on a black top XD

Do you wipe from front to back, or back to front? Ok, that's just gross.

Did you ever have a crush on any of your teachers? No, because all the good-looking teachers were twats.

Do you wish that you were skinnier? If I were any skinnier, you wouldn't be able to see me XD

What super power do you wish that you had? The ability to flyyyyy.

Why? Well, because then I could fly, derrrrr.

If you could tell that special someone anything, what would it be? I'm sorry, I don't swing that way.

♥ Emmah ♥

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