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myOtaku.com: Emmah

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

   The Ability To Scare Herself Silly
Time: 12.08
Mood: Tired (see, I changed it =D)
Currently: Thinking =O And drinking my trusty cup of tea
Song: The Bird And The Worm - The Used

Thankyouuuu for the olde comments. But now two of you couldn’t actually comment, but you had to send a PM =O Is anyone else having that problem on my site?? It’s very worrying. The list of friends to keep is slowly growing, but it’s definitely shorter than the friends list I have at the moment XD I dunno what is, but since I mentioned that I’m gonna have to restart the whole thing, more and more people I haven’t talked to in ages are coming back XD Welcome back you guys!

I totally freaked myself out yesterday. And this explains why there is a lack of music still, and the intro is the same. I wasn’t just being lazy. Nope. I logged myself out yesterday, to try and find out what my password is (because I couldn’t remember it). I remembered it in the end, and thought “well, I won’t remember that again”, so I changed it. Then I couldn’t log back in! I tried everything! My new password, my old password, a not-even-possible password! But I just couldn’t get back in!! I tried again later on, though, and luckily, I’m back in XD

I would’ve actually cried if I couldn’t get back in and had to have made a new site =( I really would’ve cried. And also, that would’ve meant I’d have to make another email address, because I don’t really have one spare XD

Bloody hell. I’m gonna have to delete the Christmas Music off Media Player. It’s really annoying, because I have it on shuffle, and it’ll go to a normal song, and then a Christmas one, then another normal, then another Christmas… It’s annoying me ever so slightly XD

Oh righty. So, It’s me who’s having trouble commenting as well, now. *Sigh* so, if I can’t comment on the actual comment boxes, I’m gonna send you your comments through PM’s. That way, you won’t be forgotten. And I’ll feel better about the whole comment thing XD

I’m all irritated because my internet just stops working, and also this damned episode of Beyblade has stopped loading. Right on the bit with Boris going “we have visitors”. If I have to hear him say that one more time, I might actually scream.

Hmm, yeah, I don’t seem to be talking about work anymore. Mainly because there’s nothing TO say. My boss, Tony, gave me a new nickname on Saturday. “Emsy Wemsy”. Knowing my luck, it’ll bloody stick, and then everyone’ll be calling it me. Doing you know what Andrea calls my Mum? “Mary Moo”. It is quite mad.

♥ Emmah ♥

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