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myOtaku.com: Emmah

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Guestbook Entries:

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Strawberry-chan (12/08/07)

Hey, thanks so much for signing my guestbook! Sorry for signing yours so late, I've been so busy (and I'm just generally lazy :P) so I do apologize T_T

You live in Britain too? That's cool! =) I live about an hour away from London ^_^;; And I'm actually american, but I've lived in England most of my life :P
Anyway, cool site, very bright background @o@ Feel free to pm me anytime and I'll see ya around :D


shane9248426 (12/07/07)

hi what is up im just going around righting in random peoples gestbook

twilight1326 (12/06/07)

hey kool site bey blade rocks

apple pai (12/03/07)

so u r a very big fan of beyblade(kai)..............i m also a very big fan of beyblade......i love your site....i m adding u as my friend.i hope u will do the same.

NekoVampLuna (12/01/07)

Haha. I liked Ray more :)

But thanks for dropping by!! And I'm keeping my promise and dropping by as well ^^

Well...hi!! -has nothing to say...obviously lol-

See ya around!


serpant (11/30/07)

pretty site. your bg abd avi remind me of MAR. you have a good vareity of anime too. i have not heard of some of the anime you like. anyway, see ya^^

Kitty Kat Aaden (11/30/07)

hey, juss randomly looking around, and for sum strange reason, you Seem to pop out and say " here over here Come to me!!" and i did!! you seem pretty kewl!! So, my intro: My names Aaden, Prince of the Lost Ice Realm, Population, ME! (intro Over)

so, i have casted an enchantment and now you are able to visit the ice Realm, but if you do, make sure you inform ME, i dont want just anybody looking at my home! i have privete stuffs there!

tsunadeichigo10 (11/30/07)

Hey thax for sighning me gb you seem pretty nice!!!!! Your site is SOOOOOO COOOOAL!!!! love the bg its just so awsomely awsome!!!!!! can you tell me were you find those layouts!!? im having trouble trying to find a really cute/ awsomely coooal one!!


Kazukii (11/29/07)

Thanks for signing!
Love the bg!^^
looks nice!
No, I'm not a Good at HTML
someone made the layout for me ;P
Lol x3
Adding =D

some saiyan guy (11/27/07)

thanks for signing my gb and my art thanks and yea i do like dbz. u know ur sites good anall . im guessing from ur name your emmah. so where about in england are you?
talk to me sometime so see ya!

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