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myOtaku.com: EKG72

Saturday, October 22, 2005

^______________^ we won our game yesterday!!!!! 26-0!! lol. it was really cool, but one guy on our team (senior) broke his leg. T.T it took a long time until he could get off the field (they ended up getting the little kart thingy that could carry him off, but he was still really frusterated/in a lot of pain. it was senior night, and the last home game of the season. poor guy. T_T)

but other than that, went to see "Dreamer" today, and it was great!! ^^ Dakota is such a good actress!!! the only bad part of the movie wasn't actually a part of the movie, it was some people right in front of us, and they had their cell phone on and the light on it was very annoying. the funny thing was that my sis said "that is so annoying" and i think the girl in front of her thought that I had said that and she was glaring at me, but me just glared back with a small smirk on my face and didn't say anything. lol. a few seconds later (slow mind i guess) she said "deal with it" i almost laughed. lolz. but i didn't say anything just kept watching the movie. ^____^ but all in all, great movie! just make sure never to sit behind rude people with cell phones on. ^^

well i best be going now. gonna spend the rest of the day being bored. ^^' byes!!

(btw. DDR Mario Mix for GC is coming out on monday 10/24/05. can't wait!!!!! ^_______________^)

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