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myOtaku.com: EKG72

Thursday, October 13, 2005

   so hyper last night, so tired today
the marching exibition was great!!! the MSU Marching band is awesome!! (there is a guy in their color guard O_O "it takes a man to be in the color guard" is what my friend and i were saying ^^) i was so hyper afterwards tho. i was running to where the buses should have been (at least a football field length away...definately more...maybe 1 1/2 or 2)...anyways, then i tripped on the side walk and almost fell, but after that i couldnt' stop laughing! it was so funny! ^^ then i was 'hobbit dancing' all the way home (hour trip), singing and bouncing off the walls..and seats. lolz. so crazy.

so now i was really tired today. but we have a game tomorrow and that should be fun. and i think that's it!! gotta go practice my clarinet!!!! byes!!!!!!!!

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