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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

   *dancing like a maniac*

me happy again today!! the only homework i had was to practice my clarinet! and me gots that done!!!! YAY!!! also we played frisbee golf today (lost horribly, but it was extremely fun!!) and we didn'thave to march at all, so me very happy about that! aaaannnnndddd! gonna go see the author of 'Eragon' today. Christopher Paolini i think his name is. so gonna get the 2nd book and get it signed hopefully. well i gotta go now! leavin' for the book signing and excited about it! byes for now! i will get around to the sites tomorrow. byes!

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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

   *singing along with random music*

i guess me in good mood today. lolz. listening to music, homework done for the night, just ate some nutty bars(good stuff lol), and ... listening to music!! (already said that....couldn't think anymore) yeah. not much happened today. just had fun throwing weird berry things at friends after school ,and gettting them thrown back at me. mainly just a fun day. ill try to get around to peoples sites today. (try, key word lolz) byes for now then!!!

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Monday, August 29, 2005


probably no one gonna read this cuz it is so late, but fun day today (other than marching of course). did get some homework tho. but just finished (7:00pm ish). uhhhh...listening to music from Spiral. yeah. i think thats mostly it from the day. saw a strange hummingbird moth/clear winged sphinx moth yesterday...might put up some of the pics so yous can see.yeah. might be able to have a japanese class for the school year as well. me excited. yeahs. byes then!

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Sunday, August 28, 2005


i finally got my own digital camera and it is awesome! really good quality. i was taking a lot of random pics last night and messin around with it just to see how well it works. *laughs* have to charge the battery again tho. don't really have to, but still charging it so it doesn't run out fast today. yeah.
The Brothers Grimm was a really good movie, but kinda disturbing at some parts. it was really dark, but it still had a lot of comedy in it. and for those who are planning to go see it, keep an eye out for small hints of different fairytales in the movie. all in all, a Great movie!!!
so yeah. i think thats it. dunno what i am doing today...might go to the woods, or the zoo, dunno. byes!

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Saturday, August 27, 2005


might go see the Brothers Grimm today! possibly, but dunno. gotta ask my friend what time would work best for her cuz shes going to visit her grandma today and will be back in the evening. so yeah. not much else happening, might get a new digital camera (my first actual one that is just mine...go to last post to find out more on why. lol) and i think thats it. sisters making pancakes so i better go! byes!

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Friday, August 26, 2005


right now i am seething with angre fro a camera so i don't even give a crap about speeling so yeah. get used to it. very angry at themmoent. deleted a ton of pics that took me forever to get. i already hate dthe camer a before taht, so this dosenst' help. something about formattingtaht my sister dind't let me know about and so it just delelte d all of my pics taht took a long time to get and a lot of work. they were all of bugs and insects so i can't exactly get them again....some were really good too! first time with a digital cam for that long of a time being able to take waht ever i wnated and ti goes and deletes them all. *sigh* my sister COULD have mentioned the stupid ass formatting thing to me in the first place. sorry for any language, but i am pissed off. *more sighs*
well. other than the camera being extremely stupid, i had to run a mile today and march for band....all in the same day...then walk home right after. not fun. wel bye

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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

   first day of torture: survived

yep. first day, and first full day of school...torture, but got through it. as i have found out, i can not write anymore ... except on the computer. lolz. or talk for that matter. yeah. so today consisted of much listening to class sylibusses and playing a few games as well as filling out things for the classes. much fun eh? well right now i am being occupied with a snack (much needed snack) and so...hard to type and eat. gotta go then!! byes!!!

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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

   last day of freedom.

yep. last day of summer vaca for me...and everyone else at my school/school district. heh. so i'm just being lazy today, relaxing and such. yeah. starting to get a headache tho...maybe cuz it is starting to get really warm in the house. (the air conditioners were off....and so were the fans. lol) hmmmmm.....try to visit more people later, but right now i am gonna go relax and get rid of this headache. okies. thats all for now! byes!

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Monday, August 22, 2005

anime movies

hey. just finished 'Millenium Actress' and i watched 'Tokyo Godfathers' last night. both were really good, but they ended kinda suddenly. millenium actress was really confusing at first, but very well done (i feel like i am doing a review on it...lolz). same with tokyo godfathers (except i wasn't as confused). lolz. well i think thats it. i start school on wednesday (they just changed the first day of school from thursday to wednesday, and changed it to a full day instead of half day. not very happy about that), and i have to go shopping soon, so i have to get ready. so byes, and i will try to visit people tonight. sorry again for not visiting. byes for now!!!

EDIT: oh yeah! the renaissance fest was awesome!! my feet hurt afterwards cuz i was wearing moccosins all day. but it was still a lot of fun. didn't get much from there, but i did get some incense and a incense burner thingy (a bottle type one), and also a shirt that says, 'dragon, the other white meat/ renaissance festival'. and some fudge. i think thats all i got. uh .yeah it was lol. byes again!

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Sunday, August 21, 2005


going to the renaissance fest today. gonna be fun. wearing somewhat of an outfit. i look like some sort of traveler person. i didn't quite get the red mage outfit that i was supposed to, but i just need the cape really. lolz. gotta go. dad's making breakfast, must get ready. byes!

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