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myOtaku.com: edmari

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Chp. 7
"Uh...Hello Jupiter?"Mia and Cerisa weren't sure if he was the god.
"Yes,I am Tidus,god of Jupiter,"Tidus assures them.
Tidus gracefully steps up to the girls and bows down while kissing their hands.He then goes to Isaac and shakes his hand in greeting.After that,he turns to the girls and examines them carefully.
"So your'e the upcoming earth goddess?"Tidus asks kindly.
"Yes I am,"Cerisa proudly answers.
"Even though you look so lovely like your mother was,many other gods doubt that you'll suceed,"He says calmly,"Though,I think you can."
"Thanks for your support and I was already informed of that along time ago,"Cerisa states out with a half smile.
"You don't seem bothered.Heheh,you got alot of guts,but don't worry.Your'e not the only half-god,"Tidus turns to Luneitus,"But anyone and everyone;gods,half-gods,demons,humans,and what-not,is a friend and my ally...though some exceptions with a few pests."
Tidus is quiet and Luneitus seemed to know what he meant.The eerie silence was broken when the children's gigglgy voices chirped.They were playing around,tagging each other and running around.Tidus smiles at the children,softly and cherubicly with the warmth of happiness.
"Follow me please,"he says softly.
He leads the group up the stairs to the fourth floor of the temple-castle.They reach a room that held a balcony,a huge bet suited with cotton and silk covers,two marble night stands,and a giant marble wardrobe.There were other decorations like flower vases,and paintings on the wall.The colors were mainly purple,gold,and hints of pink and red.
"This is the ladies's room,the boys have seperate rooms down in the third floor,"Tidues tells them,"You are welcomed to stay for the night and rest.Tomorrow,we will discuss important matters.Good night girls."
Tidus leaves with the guys following him to show their rooms.The girls look around in amazement of the beautiful room they were given.They looked at the awfully fluffy pillows that layed on the bed.They counted 12 of them and looked at each other for a moment.
"Life in Luxury!Mega PILLOWS!!"Cerisa grins widely.
"That sound fun!!"Mia runs to the bed and grabs a pillow.
In no time,they were pillow fighting and running around the room laughing.When they went to sleep,they picked out night gowns from the wardrobe.By morning,the sy is bright yellow and orange, and Isaac is walking around the town with Icurus and some of the other kids.Icurus was giving Isaac a tour and brought him to the market places and other hot spots.
"So...how is it like out there,where your'e from?"Icurus asks innocently.
"The towns are like this one but filled with a variety of demons and humans,"Isaac answers,"along with many plants and animals."
"REALLY!!Thats sooo cool!I wish to visit that place one day,"Icurus shouts in excitement,"I remember when I flew too lcose to the sun.My wings got burnt and my skin is now darker than ever.I was only 3 years old then."
"Yeah,I've heard that story,pretty famous for an 8 year old,"Isaac compliments.
By mid-afternoon,Isaac goes back to the temple and Cerisa,Luneitus, and Mia wait there.The raptors enter,behind Isaac,but Isaac tells them to go back out to play with the kids.Tidus walks out from a black door,quietly.
"Good afternoon my quests.Now may we discuss the situation you have,I've heard you need my help Cerisa,"Tidus says.
"Yes,I do Tidus.Me and my brother are searching out for a way to stop Gavin and his plans against all of you gods,"Cerisa says,"...and to stop him from destroying the planets we control."
"Hm...it's a risky task...yes,I'll help you,"he pauses,"...but I can't leave my people alone,so I'll work for you from afar.I'm good at collecting information so I could let you know every detail that's happening."
"THANK YOU!!"Cerisa squeals in delight and hugs him.
Tidus smiles and hugs her back in return.All of a sudden,a door busts open and a pink haired,hour-glass figured,blue eyed,18 year old looking girl comes out.her face was smooth,peach colored,and very beautiful.She wore a silky red dress and crystal hung at the ends of her dress and her hair.Cerisa glares at her for a moment.
"ROSELYNA!!"Cerisa darts up to the girl.
"CERISA!!"Roselyna shouts at her in surprise.
"Hello little Miss 'I'm to perfect'!"Cerisa spats out.
"Hello little Miss 'Ghetto Earth'!"was Roselyna's come back.
They glare at each other for a while until they surprisingly hugged each other.
"I missed you and your stuck up attitude,"Roselyna squeaks.
"I missed you and your bitchiness,"Cerisa squeals.
The others watch silently,confused,and with big sweat drops coming down on their heads,as the girls hug and cry.


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