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myOtaku.com: Ed is sexy

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Monday, September 12, 2005

hey, sry i havnt been on here in a while, but with school and babysitting twice a week, and plus the fact that i cant get on the comp at my dads now cause he moniters everything i do, i have been having enought trouble keeping up wiht my lj, let alone have time to get on this site, so sorry about that.

also, just wondering, is anyone else going to Youmacon in November? (its in Troy, Michigan) I'm going to be there, so if you are then like post a comment or email, but dont PM me, cause i dont have time to check those.
Im thinking about cosplay as either Barry, Rose, or Kimblee. What do u guys think?

well, g2g, luv ya lots

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Monday, August 29, 2005

Hey, long time no post ^^;;;
hey ppls, sry i havnt been posting here much lately. I've been sort of busy lately.
Anyways, school starts tommorw, which sux XP
But back to school shopping did mean 3 new fma tees, and chobits tee and a fma hoodie for me ^^
anyway, i think im gonna enjoy my last day of freedom by going to the mall and buying another fma tee and maybe some random anime dvd.
catch ya latah! ^_~

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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Diggety John

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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I made an avatar ^^

you probably wont get it unless u watched the Barney Diaper weird FMA deal that i posted on here a long time ago...  >_>

so, anyway....

ta da!! ~^^~

And here is another one i made with a sort of Josie and the Pussy Cats deal...

heh heh, yeah that ones kinda dumb. but whatever >_>

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Friday, August 19, 2005

   hey everyone, sry i havnt been on for a while, i was grounded and then really busy >.<
anyway, i dont really have much time, so i probably wont be getting to you guys sites today, i will try to answer my PM's though (oh gawd, i have SO many OO)
my dad got some new parental moniter thingy and found some of the smut i was reading, >_> i am here until tuesday and will not be able to read any smut T_T
*iz ded* X____x

and my Ed and Roy plushies still havnt come, i am wondering where the hell they are. Then we can have hot plushie yaoi!! wootness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok anyways >_>

yeah, g2g. see u guys lateh!

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Saturday, August 13, 2005

Karissa is over today.
we went to the mall and i bought Hana Kimi 7. yay!

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Friday, August 12, 2005

My "So-called" OTP...

What Food Does Your Yaoi Couple Use In Bed?
by stevie
User Name
Favorite Yaoi Couple
Food They UsePancake Syrup
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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Ah, that game owns me now. i have been playing it for like a half an hour.

and i suck at it T_T

i cant even get Eds coat off all the way.

this is the farthest ive gotten T_T

so close T_T

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Thursday, August 11, 2005

because this was bugging me...

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Which Yugioh yaoi couple will you have sex with? (YGO) by AngelStarFire
What you had for breakfast:
Kinky side item(s) you use:Handcuffs (Tsk. Typical. ^__^ )
Where you did it:On the stairs.
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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