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myOtaku.com: EchoShiratori

Friday, September 5, 2008

I am Amazing.
Not because I have Obama's face on mine, or I can take pretty myspace angles and such. D:< It's because I'm straight and no one believes me.

That's right guize, I'm actually living in a straight closet. I didn't know those existed *besides from the one Char is in, of course*. Everyone I work with, with the help of Char's cousin Billy no doubt, believes Char is straight, and that I am the gay one.

I always knew I wasn't exactly the epitomy of male essence, but I never realized how very ANTI-WOMAN I seemed.

Also, Char straight? OMGLOLOLOL? D:<

A while ago Lu was telling me that when she first heard of my existance, it was impossible that I was hetero, because of Charlie's slander.. D:< Bitchbitchbitch!.

:B HUR. Ahahaha. No worries, I thought it was funny. ANYWAYS, a couple days ago, I got a ride to the video store, and I had my Ipod, Shawn, with me because I had some songs to check out. The first, "Zydrate Anatomy" Thank you Tori. :3 I'll For sure check out Repo when it comes out.

Another was, "Hey! Say!" By "Hey! Say!7" A totally girly, lame, I FLIPPA MAH HAIR AND WEAR MAKE-UP Japanese pop song. And, as I was lip syncing along to the epic fail in a vocal cord, I realized, that if this were a movie of some sort, I'd be the guy who is "Too Gay To Function." I'm surprised everyone in the store didn't point me in the direction of the "Alternative Lifestyles" section.

Also, Charlie doesn't help my campaign that much. D:<

Me: Olol, Hiro and Ando are so funny, blah blah blah bleh blah~~~~~♥♥
Charlie: You know, you're watching a show with quite a few attractive females in it, but you're only squee-ing about the chubby, Japanese man. .__.
Me:... But I don't like Clarie's character... D:

...I don't.

I suppose I need wife beaters, Baggy size zeros, and Fantasia lights, to finally master the art of Maaan.~_~

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