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myOtaku.com: Ebony

Friday, August 25, 2006

Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu!
I got up this morning (and i'm soooo fucking delirious when I wake up) I started yelling at my alarm clock, telling it to shut up or I would make it sleep upstairs. Then, I didn't recognize the cat I'm babysitting, and I'm like "OMFG! I'm in a different house! I've been KIDNAPPED!"

...I needed caffeine...

In a very, very, very bad way.

Well, I didn't do much today...but my math teacher sucks. She goes too fast, and my math teacher last year sucked, too. But he just didn't teach worth shit, and so now I'm screwed kuz I don't know what all the "review" problems are. It's all new to me, not review T-T

I think i'll only be able to do artsies on the weekend, kuz...y'know...taking advanced classes means you have no freetime ;___;

I thiiiink one...? of you requested I post the Japanese shizzle I learn for the day...? So I will X3 For those of you who don't care for it, just scroll passed it all until you get to the "666" XD

Japanese Lecture for the Day:


A - ah
e - ay
i - ee
o - oh
u - oo

Most u's are practically silent, so...yeah. And sometimes the e's are, too.

Opening Ceremony (when the class greets the teacher)

Nicchoku-san (the person assigned to say the opening ceremony for the week. It literally means "Mr/Mrs. Day Duty" ) : Kiritsu (stand up)

Nicchoku-san: Ki o tsuke (attention)

Nicchoku-san: Rei (bow)

Minna-san (everybody) : *bows* Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu (please favor me, listen to me, pay attention to me, etc...)

Nicchoku-san: Chakuseki (sit)

And that's the end of the opening ceremony.

For the closing ceremony, all you do is change "Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu" to "Arigato Onegaishimasu"

The end for today!


What eeeeelse did I do today...positively nothing. Though, I'll be home alone for a few days 'kuz muh parents are hunting, and muh cousin's living with his bro now, soooo...




A pair of pretty dollfies X3

*laughs* I know that feeling all too well XD


Rosiel being the smexy beast he is X3

A wittle kiddy Ryou 83

Fucking...FUUUUUUUCK! AGH! *kills self*

Riku = smex X3

'Nuff of that...

...'nuff of everything.

TTFN, babes.

P.S. The strength of a nation is derived from the integrity of its homes.

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