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myOtaku.com: Ebony

Friday, August 18, 2006

My head is warm, my feet are cold, death is amovin' upon my soul...
I love that song X3

Cleaned the house again today ( I don't know HOW it gets dirty so fast O__O )

I also cleaned out Turtle's (turtle...obviously) and Greed's tank (frog)

...not fun. I had to take a shower afterwards -__-

Hm...I won't be on for a few days 'kuz I'm going hunting with muh mom and daddy...fun XD

So, sorry I won't be able to get to sites. It's because I won't be here until Monday or Tuesday. I sowwy ;__;

Omfg, random fact about me: I have Acrophobia/Altophobia (fear of heights) and Apiophobia/Apiphobia (fear of bees)

Woo! You learned my fears XD

...I just hope you don't use them against me O__O'

Random pics of DOOOOOOM!

Oni Link = hot, steamy smex X3

Vincent = MORE hot, steamy smex XD

That's the same type of turtle I have 8D

And that's the same type of frog I have (he's albino, too *love love* )

I want it sooooo bad ;____;

A water bear! Squishy little things can survive extreme temperatures, nuclear waste, and even the vast vacuum of outerspace! *huggles screen*

Needles ^.^

Kenshin being the badass hitokiri he...used to be -___-

'Nuff of that...

...'nuff of everything.

TTFN, babes.

P.S. To find out what one is fitted to do and to secure an opportunity to do it is the key to happiness.

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