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myOtaku.com: Ebony

Thursday, August 3, 2006

Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, shallow minds discuss people, which are you?
OMFG! I'm sooo sorry I wasn't on! I have a perfectly good reason, though.

My dad kidnapped me again to go fishing and camping.

Sorry ;_;

Plus, theO won't let me comment on your sites for some reason. *dies*

New month = New theme. Heh.

Imagine waking up to a creepy man laying on top of you, moaning. Yeah. No. Not cool. I was sleeping in the motorhome, and my dad's friends slept on the top bunk whereas I slept where the table folds out to a bed. So ~ we all went to bed, and then I couldn't breathe right so I woke up and my dad's friend was laying on me. I didn't know what to do, and I'm a delirious bastard when I wake up, lol. So, I just lay there, and then he rolled over on the floor and moaned some more. He was like "Dammit, Jim, you broke my leg." (from Star Trek, lmao)

Then he crawled over to the garbage can and pissed in it. Then crawled back over next to me and fell asleep on the floor.

I called my mom, and she let me sleep with her and dad kuz...well, just kuz. XD

When we woke up (and when the guy was sober) his son had to take him to the hospital. He couldn't move his leg at all. He threw up from the pain, and almost passed out 'kuz it hurt so bad O.o


Ummm....let's see...I drew a pic, but it still needs colored *dies*

...hm. 'spose that's it O____o

And I'm sorry again! I can't comment on sites! TheO won't let me ;_;

...I already said that, didn't I? XD

TTFN, babes.

P.S. Cherish your yesterdays, Dream your tomorrows, Live your todays.

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