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Wednesday, December 8, 2004

Okay, I'm really really pissed today. For starters progress reports are suppose to be here like today or yesterday. They aren't here. Therefore I cannot pull them out of my mailbox and burn the evidence that I am systematically destroying my life starting with school and my friends. Anyway it is all a really long story that I object to posting here primarily because you probably don't really care and even if you do I would rather not dicuss personal problems with people I don't really know.

One cool thing to post today though. It is kinda a story about a scar of mine. See about 2 months ago I was playing around with a safety pin cause I have a thing about safety pins, I never go anywhere without one. Anyway I'm playing with it and I draw "HI" on my arm just to make red lines so it would be cool. Then it started bleeding and became a scar. Yesterday I discovered that it was actually a scar. So I have a big "HI" scar on my left arm. That is kinda cool. Anyway I guess that's it. I'm still pissed about progress reports and how I fail in my attempts to end the systematic destruction of my life.

Song of the Day: Kill Me Quickly by Thrice

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Tuesday, December 7, 2004

Kate is fucking awesome! Sorry everyone... had to be said. Kate's a friend of mine. She's pretty cool and i wuv her therefore you're gonna have to live with it!

Song of the Day: The Calender Hung Itself by Bright Eyes

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I don't know how I feel today. I'm just really really tired. I had some... stuff for caffiene this morning but I sold my caffiene to my friends and was tired all day cause I always wake up with coffee and had none today. Needless to say I am sucking in school. I have gotten a 0 out of the last 77 points in my English class. I'm doing so horrible right now. Which is weird cause I am capable of A/B grades. Guess that all that's really up except I'm about to read more GTO. So... see ya!
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Monday, December 6, 2004

Okay so I won't be getting through GTO today because I have been doing so much work I just won't have time... Anyway I will still watch Please Twins. I'm also gonna post a second song of the day. I'm so happy today deserves 2 good songs by Something Corporate even if I have used one before though I don't think I have. Anyway the second song is Ruthless! I <3 Ruthless by Something Corporate. I'm that happy!
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I want you guys all to know that I'm really really sorry. I have not been posting anything like myself lately. You know... shit happens and I haven't been doing too well. Anyway I have been commanded by some to be happy or... I won't like the consequences. So beginning today I am happy; even if I'm not really happy I will still seem happy because... I'm happy now. Anyway probably tomorrow I will seem more happy-like. OOh OOh OOh! Wait a sec! About some anime... I borrowed the Please Twins dvd, 1st Abenobashi manga, and the first GTO manga from Austin (AustinOvermined) today. I will be watching Please Twins and reading all of GTO tonight. Fun stuff. I can really be happy now. ^_^ Oh yeah! I ordered some new clothes yesterday too. My mommy bought me a Cursive shirt and a Cursive hoodie off the Saddle Creek website and she's gonna give them to me for Christmas. I'm really pretty happy today. Are you happy too? Wanna be happy with me? Everyone should be happy! It is so cool... unless you get hurt and are sad again... that's less cool... but being happy is fun while it lasts! ^_^

Song of the Day: The Runaway by Something Corporate

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Sunday, December 5, 2004

I am so tired today... it has been like 4 days since I have gotten decent sleep. I don't know what's up but it's driving me insane. Nothing seems to be going quite right right now. I wish things would be okay again so I could go back to being normal. >.< I want to be able to be happy again.

Song of the Day: Cross Out The Eyes by Thursday

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Sorry about everything lately. I'm not being myself exactly. I don't know who I am but I'm not myself. Anyway totally I will try to be a little more normal today... whatever that is. Anyway sorry again.

Song of the 1:00 AM: Nothing Better by The Postal Service

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Saturday, December 4, 2004

I know nobody probably cares but I need to go die. I have totally fucked up the relationship a couple of my friends had and I don't even know about myself... I'm just driving myself into the ground because I'm a moron. Life totally sucks. I wish I could take a break from life.
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I'm totally getting flamed by everyone right now. Chiodos rocked beyond belief so I was like there is no way I'm leaving without a shirt. The only size they had was youth medium on everything. I bought this youth medium light blue shirt. Now I usually wear like adult medium or small when I want a tight shirt cause I'm pretty tall. So this shirt is like uber tight and so small you can see part of my stomach. It is sexy as hell but gets me flamed a lot cause it is so small plus light blue. I don't care though cause it's Chiodos... who rock so much. I think I'm gonna wash it and wear it again to school on Monday. I'll have to wear a sweatshirt over it cause I would get in trouble for such a small shirt but I don't care. People will still see it when I take my sweatshirt off.

Matador Versus Matador is playing at the Local on the 18th too. I will be there just like I was there for Chiodos. Matador Versus Matador is Alex (EmbersXofXNever)'s band. They are good. The bands who played with Chiodos last night were good too btw. Bensin (from Buffalo NY), Hope For August (local), Before Today (California... I think), and Chiodos all rocked the house. Vistaway was the fifth band. They were okay I guess. Matador Versus Matador isn't playing with anyone too remarkable but it'll still be good.

Anyway this is a really long post so... I guess I will end it. Chiodos rock!

Song of the Day: Hathaway Lane by The Chiodos Bros.

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Friday, December 3, 2004

I am so confused today. Today is the day I'm going to the Local to see Chiodos Bros. and it's also my mom's b-day but I'm so sad. I just don't understand. I feel depressed even though today apparantly rocks. I didn't sleep last night either. I layed in my bed pretending to sleep until it was time to get up this morning. I don't understand why but I'm just so sad right now. I wish I could understand.

Song of the Day: Again I Go Unnoticed by Dashboard Confessional

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