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myOtaku.com: doctormister

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Hi everyone!!!
I commented on everybody yesterday, woooo! =D

Yaaaay, I'm so glad you guys liked my manga cover! Thank you *huggles* I shall be updating when it's convenient with my friend, and her scanner and such, lol...but I will update with the complete first chapter in one go, so that nobody gets sick of the same old beginning-event...although the storytelling style is very different now, as you might sense by the weird cover...

Oh hey, coverwise! Did anyone recognise Suki? I am curious! :3

In other news, I don't know if I have a job anymore...cuz I didn't show up to a training session in another town when I said a month in advance it was during the sign-up for my Japanese class!!! Then they said, you can make up the training session...and that would be, again, out of town, in the middle of Thursday when I am supposed to be in school! So I might be fired >.>
In that case I am getting a better job and joining the Y!
(My job gave me a free gym membership, but it could soon be gone D:)

Wooow that was a rant XD

I put up a cosplay, by the way! I cosplay as a ghost girl in the mirror and in the darkness. Teehee, please check it out!
(That was a link, errrr XD)

By the way, I had fun commenting on all the lovely posts by you people yesterday!!! I shall visit yeeeew again soon! ^o^

I almost forgot
a very important story!!!
I saw an ALBINO SQUIRREL this week!
They are actually completely rare, I had no idea!!! :O
Superstition says they are good luck...Anyway, I was shoked, I just thought he was cute...
This is him ¢¾
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1)My cosplay...I don't look human!!! O.O
2)Random! Do you like skinny jeans? Do you own any?
3)Please give me a piece of albino squirrel trivia :3

Talk to you later and Bye bye!!! =^..^=

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