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myOtaku.com: Desbreko

Saturday, May 1, 2004

Patience for a PS2
This is starting to annoy me. . . . All I need is $40 to buy that PS2 I mentioned in an earlier post. Now, normally, $40 wouldn't be too hard to get. Now that I'm mowing the lawn once a week, I'm making about $60 per month from doing that, other chores, and cleaning up the dog crap for my brother. But yet, circumstances seem to have conspired against me, as I can't seem to get $40 without some other expense popping up.

First off, my brother owes me $80, soon to be $90 when I clean up the dog crap some time this weekend. . . . But he forgot his checkbook the last time he came up from the bay area for a visit. This is the key factor for me not having the money. If I could get payed for cleaning up the dog crap these last four months, all would be good.

But that still leaves $40 a month that I get from my parents, so what's the problem? I should just be able to wait a couple months in order to save up that much, even if I am paying $12.50 per month for the DSL. Well, the problem is, after I got my share of the last two months' DSL bills payed, I only had $15 left. And now that I'm getting another $20 from my parents this week, I have the expenses of my mom's birthday (which is actually today) and then mother's day, which are only about a week apart. Which means that that $20 is going to be disappearing shortly. There are way too many birthdays and holidays packed into the second quarter of the year, heh.

Talking to the guy last night at the Friday night Bible study, I apparently have until June to buy it from him before he leaves. (I forget where he's going, but it's not close). So here's to hoping I can get my brother to cough up the money before then, heh. This is just too good of an opportunity to miss; a PS2, five games, a multitap, and three controllers -- all for only $40 -- is just insane.

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