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myOtaku.com: demonboy

Friday, September 17, 2004

OK, today not much happened, except that I got Episodes 1-46 of FMA now, I have only gotten to episode 24, so please don't reveal any info about episodes later than 25, because I will only have viewed up to 25...

Before I say the final clue, I would like you to refer to Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays clue...

And now the final clue, this one probably comes closer to my city than ever, if you can get the city you get brownie points, if you can get the school, you can get pizza points...

My cousin, who lives in the same village as me, goes to the same school the famous SNL cast member Chris Farley went to. As a side note, Chris Farley's best known SNL charachter, Matt Foley, is based off a teacher from this very school, the biggest similarities are that they dressed and talked the same...

Tomorrow I'll post a flash animation that I think raises some interesting questions about the 9/11 Pentagon strike...

So until then, have a good Friday!

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