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myOtaku.com: Demon Wolf Koruki

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Hello, world...
Listening to: Simple Plan: Welcome to My Life...it's like my theme song now...D:
Mood: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Left out, kinda down in the dumps...


Yes, hello world. I am, in fact, alive...I want to get this "Welcome Back To School" thing over and done with. But the good thing is that you don't get any homework...:D
...Well, here's some news...my cousin, who is 19, is getting married next year, and his fiance's having a baby after the marriage, I think...
It's been storming on and off lately...I want it to keep raining because I love the sound it makes when it patters on my window! :3
Heh...well...schools okay so far...it's okay...ummm, well...I basically come home from school everyday and I have a head ache, and I go straight to bed...
I was having a bad first day, so I talked to my mom and started crying, being a totally big baby, and then it started getting better...My pod went on a field trip today (wow, and we just started Tuesday! O_o'), to the armory not too far down the road...and I made a few new friends, so we were goofing around...
Meh...they nick named me "Ahaha" from the place we all love to visit, La La Land...so we picked out these retarded nicknames based on how we acted around each other...let's see...there's "Push Me", "LaLaLa", "Cheese Puff", "Butterfly Lady" and then there's "ELPThingamabobber"...that's BJ...her full name is "Evilladypersonthingamabobber", but I said, "I have no idea how she fits it on her nametag, but oh wellz..." So yeah...they're great! :D
We had to walk back to school in the rain, since it wasn't as stormy earlier, so Push Me clung to my arm and she just huddled close to me...I have no idea why a lot of people do that...I guess it's just because they feel safe around me! x3
So I was hyper because I just had a Gatorade (different from when I have a monster....D:), and they were all laughing at me...
Stupid "IT"....turns into "Hello, My Name Is"...Huh? *looks up* Oh, "IT"'s just a rolled up nametag that "Cheese Puff" (otherwise known as "Shewhohasnotbeennamedyet") kept poking me with and blaming it...so I was all like, "Get away from me, IT!" And she unfolds it into the original nametag, so I just called it "Hello, My Name Is"...and then she kept changing it, and finally, as we neared the building, she said, "I'll go kill IT". And I'm like, "GOOD! But wait...what about 'Hello, my name is'?!" And she says, "Don't you get it?! It's "Hello, My Name Is IT!" So yah...just a joke you had to be there for, I guess...:/
Anyways, yeah...I'm okay now...Just a little bit weird...oh well...
Talk to me whenever! ^^

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