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myOtaku.com: DeathKnight

Monday, May 22, 2006

Comments on commentary-

Shinfaru- Man, totally go 360. There's some pretty sexi stuff coming out on it that should be great fun. The PS3.. well. Right now it's software library will be the ultimate factor in if I get it or not. I'm privy to strategy and RPGs more than action or otherwise so I hope they still have a great offering of RPGs to satiate my hunger. Well, good RPGs. Ones that aren't melodramatic.. or full of voice actors who should be fired. Out of a cannon. Into the sun.

Sorry man. Texas and California are too far apart for current gas prices. Unless like someone up there let me sleep in their house for a week or something, lol. The hotel costs are what are killing me more than the gasoline.. or the fact I'd have to drive across all of the United States' desert twice.

Lea- I will not take you anywhere. You are nuts! Evil! Satanic! Etc.!!!

Irish- I can tell you everything you need to know about console games for I am the Divine Being, the one sent forth from His throne to impart upon you all the knowledge of the Console Gaming God.

Woo! I won't be an idiot. Thank god! *votes for a Republican!* It's good to be smart.

Do you have the time to listen to me whine about nothing and everything all at once?

Theme song of this post: Testify by Rage Against The Machine.

Actually, I'm not going to AnimeExpo and the reasons for that are plentiful. Expense for one. For two I would have to be really fucking nuts to drive around SoCal on the July Fourth weekend- that's just asking for me to come back with some kind of a tumor in my head. It's cool though. Ask Aleia- I'm a handful IRL. Like "What the fuck is he doing?" kind of handful. To all who is going- have fun. I'll probably be working at my fucking job on that day making what limited amounts of denero I make. Awesome![?!?!] Actually, at this point it's kind of odd how easy I think it would be to make money. I mean, you all do still recall we live in a country where free enterprise is supposedly embraced right? I'm not the only person here who is thinking about becoming a entrepreneur in a society based on corporations, right? I mean.. I'm not the only nuts person here, right? =O

Surprisingly enough one of my greatest idols is Lewis Black. Yes, Lewis Black. For those of you who don't watch the Daily Show, Comedy Central or simply are retarded Lewis Black is one of the angriest people you'll ever meet. Angry in a funny way. Youtube.com is rampant with videos but the most worthwhile ones are the ones involving Mr. Lewis Black. I'm not sure if it's his political views that I can identify with or his general personality which mirrors my own but he is just an awesome guy. I mean, seriously awesome. Not sexy awesome though. That'd be a little.. weird

Serious topics of discussion:

Mayor Nagin wins- I'm not going to ask 'how the hell did he get re-elected' since that's pretty pointless by now but Mr. Nagin has a tall task in front of him. Luckily this hurricane season is forecast to be "busy" instead of "apocalyptic" so hopefully the bowl that they stupidly live in won't be flooded again. As for race issues.. well. That's dangerous territory I'm not wandering into.

Iraq- Woo! The government has formed! Welcome to hell you guys!

The Da Vinchi Code- Man.

I'm not sure what Christianity has against this.

Person in the audience: Whoa, Ken! There's plenty to be pissed against! For one thing I know for a fact Jesus wasn't getting a little sumthin' sumthin' on the side, you know what I'm saying?

Well, unfortunately, the Jesus that Christianity embraces is one they themselves have manufactured. Jesus Christ the Christian figure is almost certainly not the same as Jesus Christ the human, Jewish man. Jesus is the protagonist of that story and does many typical things a protagonist does. He even gets dramatically executed at the end. Who do I think Jesus was? A great thinker. A theologist. And, like any counterculture thinker the Authorities at the time took an unhealthy interest in him.

Second person: But, wait! Christianity has never directly changed any of it's history because of perceived inaccuracies or personal opinions!

Yes it has.

Third person: Tom Hanks acting sucked! He was totally wooden.

Yes. He was.

Permanent Revolution.


P.S. I've never seen an episode of Lost! Am I a bad person? >_<

P.P.S. Go Spurs. Period, end of discussion.

P.P.P.S. Dani California is an awesome song. RHCP wins.

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