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myOtaku.com: DeathKnight

Sunday, January 8, 2006

Sing your deathsong.
Comments on commentary-

Leaful- Texas has the best infrastructure in all of the United States. We rock.

Roxie- Waxahachie was awesome. I hope you can see it someday. :>

Irish- Yeah, driving through Texas is a longwinded affair. Pretty vast state, as you know. There is alot of beautiful terrain out there though so I suppose that make it worthwhile.

Man, I've been wanting to write you a letter but there's been alot of shit happening lately. Ummm. Until I get around to it all you get is a pat on the head. *pat pat*


Theme song of this post: Beautiful Child by Madelyne.

I got a job at Wendy's. Awesome, desu ne? But, you know, you have to start somewhere and a job at Wendy's is just the sort of launching platform I need. Indeed, Dave Thomas himself [as I learned at the 2 hour long orientation yesterday] started out in the food service business and eventually went on to construct a vast restaurant empire. My goals are the same as the late Mr. Thomas' and someday McKen's will be a global name with a plethora of locations in every country on Earth except for France. But, really, I did get a job there. My first day of work is tomorrow and I'm a late shift/closer for them. I think I'm getting paid a pretty healthy amount.. 6.75 starting pay. Much better than the minimum wage around here, that's for sure.

Man, the orientation was an ordeal I tell you that much. The manager who was supposed to supervise it was late, lol. None of the hirees were late but the person in charge of it was. Equally bad was the fact that no one had a key to the store.. so all of the hirees were standing around in the cold (it was about 8 AM and freezing) until a person who worked at that Wendy's came and opened it up for us. Once we were finally getting started we had to watch this DVD.. I'm not really sure how to describe it. I guess it's necessary to, you know, inform the hirees of company policies and the company vision but I just.. I dunno, the entire thing was just. *shakes head* You'd just have to experience that kind of thing for yourself, really. <_<; It was kind of.. humorously bad, lol. That's the only way I can describe it.

Aside from that, I saw most of my old crew yesterday at a memorial for a late friend of our's. The old crew= most of my friends from my days as a Jehovah's Witness. They are all doing well.. to various degrees. I felt like a black sheep while there but, you know, I'm content with knowing they are alright. Most of the people you know now you will eventually have to walk away from- you just have to see them off with a smile. In my opinion as long as they are doing okay all is well. People spend too much time fretting over if they are drifting apart. I know that I, personally, just try to keep it where if I do meet them again we'll click and pick up right where we left off. That's all you can do, really.

I'm playing World of Warcraft again. I don't think any OBers play WoW, lol. Most of the people I talk to are addicted to Guild Wars in totality so that doesn't leave too much room for a MMO you have to pay for to play. Anyway, if any of you join WoW in the near future make sure to create you character on the DragonBlight server if you want to be on the same one as I. I'm on the Horde's side as an Orc Warlock. His name is Saeko so drop me a line sometime and we'll talk/group/whatever. I'm only level 22 [I started back into WoW only a week ago] so I am not too leet. My Succubus is sexy though, mwahah.


I hope you all had a good holiday season. Keep it real.

P.S. Why is Bush our president?! Wrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyy?!

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