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myOtaku.com: DeathKnight

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The World At Large.
Comments on commentary-

Leaful- Yeah, no thanks.

Iri- Sweet. Hook me up.

Kill the fuckers!

Theme song of this post: Take The Veil Cerpin Taxt by The Mars Volta.

Dear Diary,

Today was a wonderful day. A wondrous wonderful day of wonderful wonderment that left me pining for such wonderment on more than just this day. Today, I stood atop the cliffs, I smelt the morning air, I bathed in the holy glow of the sun and I killed a ton of motherfuckers. Yes, today was indeed a wondrous day that shall go down in history due to it's excessive wonderment and the greatness therein. I wish that all creatures upon this planet from the smallest mouse to the tallest elephant had such great days prior to their extinction due to man's continued crusade against mother nature. Yes, indeed I think today was the most wondrous day that any person could really have.

How wondrous? Well Diary, I wrote a song about how wondrous this day was! Sing along if you know the words to the song


Today is the greatest day it's
So good to be alive~
Today is simply great it's
So good to be alive~

For today is a wondrous, most wondrous
Extremely funderous type of day
With hours, mounting hours
Spent just having tons of fun

Today is, yes TODAY is
The kind of day to waste away
Today [today!] is just a day
For you to sit and play


If you want to sing
A little song
About days that are long
Or days that are gone

Just sing this diddy
And all will see
Just how great this day can be!

Well, that's about it diary. I'll talk to you later!

Kenneth A. Howell

And now, for something completely different...

Actually today was pretty subpar. Oh well.

Topics for discussion:

Iraq- Just, stop talking about leaving. You can't disengage from this, you can't just walk away. It is a matter of debate if the conditions in Iraq are worse because of the Coalition's presence or not, but I'm pretty sure that any situation where we pull out is not going to be a happy, peaceful sunshiney sort of time period. I believe that the American people must take responsibility. The majority of our populous elected Bush for President and the decisions he made are something we have to take responsibility for. It would be really piss poor of us to be selfish enough to imply that the lives of our countrymen are worth more than hundreds or thousands of innocent people who would probably be caught up in sectarian violence on the level of a civil war. Innocent people as in an entire generation of children knowing nothing more than violence and, you know, that's probably one of the more negative things that can happen to any person on the planet. Soldiers are in a line of work where they die. If you want to complain about their deaths then you clearly do not understand the concept of being a soldier or war itself as much more death and violence is occurring beyond the handful of Americans that get diced each day.

There is no way to calmly walk away from this. We must stay and see this through.

Gay marriage- Government regulation of what citizens can and cannot do should be based on secularized lines of thought. This is not a theocracy and neither should we hope it is.
President Bush- Man, yes he's bad but he isn't going anywhere for a few years. Hunker down for the worst of it. He's not the worst President in history although that certainly doesn't make me feel any more content.

The next generation of consoles- I'm just going with whichever one has the most RPGs. I never cared for fanboy arguments- I like my PS2 because it has a myriad of games that I like to play. I don't like it because it's Sony. Most of the Sony stuff I've owned has been total shit. Same can be said of Microsoft. Same can be said of Nin- well, no. I never really had a bad piece of Nintendo hardware. Overuse of the N64 gave me like a blister on my thumb one time though [no joke, Mario Kart 64 was an addictive piece of shit. Speaking of Mario Kart 64, I have to say my favorite map was probably the one with Boo's Castle in it- where you could slide right off of the track? That was awesome.] Anyway, I'm probably going to get a PS3.

Equally dubious is the Revolution's controller. "Give it a chance"? What the hell, it's not revolutionary it's just a quirk I don't need to deal with. Shut the hell up about chances and give me something normal. Assholes.

Your face- IS SO UGLY! Haha, no. You're a handsome/beautiful dude/dudette/androgynous figure.

What's new in my life? Well, I'm taking a week+ long vacation coming up this weekend. So I'll be MIA for awhile.. I guess. I don't have alot of shit to do aside from replying to a letter I got and uh, well, I might wait until after I'm back from my vacation to reply.. because that's the lazy thing to do. I'm probably gonna get Dragon Quest 8 sometime today as soon as the afternoon shipment rolls in at my local EB. Burn down the mall while I'm there, I suppose.

Otherwise, not much. I've ditched romance totally now due to generally annoyances with it. If anybody asks, I'm not looking and neither do I plan to be looking anytime soon. No matter who or what you are, I'm not interested. I have other things to do with my time than teenage melodrama, lol. You know, stuff like:

*Learning about World War 2! Did you know there were over ONE MILLION casualties at the Battle of Kursk? Now you do!
*Waiting for this neat Pirate MMO! Arrrrr, Ken demands pirate-y action.
*Playing Crusader Kings! After a tough, decade-long war I [as England], have reconquered Spain from the dirty Muslims in the year of 1166! HISTORY IS THUSLY ALTERED! THE RECONQUISTA HAS BEEN FUBARED! Deus vult!
*Having to explain that I really don't think Muslims are dirty, I was just in the spirit of the moment after KICKING A TON OF VIRTUAL MUSLIM ASS! SAY HELLO TO THE ENGLISH EMPIRE, FOOLS! HAHAHA.
*Listening to music! Man, kids can really play guitars well these days.
*Kidnapping the Princess. You'll never catch me!
*Reading non-fiction books. Yatta~
*Reading fiction books. Yatta~
*Hitting people with books. YATTA~


Cemetery gates.


P.S. Dude. Uncool.


P.P.P.S. Learn.

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