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myOtaku.com: DDG

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Oh for the joys of random frisking...
I've finally began doing what its said I'm doing in my location for awhile: Played True Crime: Streets of L.A. randomly frisking people. I haven't played the game in forever. So long I'd forgotten all of the button commands. It only took a minute or two to figure them all out, but all the same. I was a bit disappointed for a bit because the memory card that has my True Crime game data on it is at my dad's, but all I was really going to do was go around, shoot things, drive over things, blow things away with the "heavier car" cheat code, frisk people. You know, the usual.

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for commentry:
Haruko: Yeah, they're that interesting. Even if they are mostly just random stuff. And extremely funny when I explain the details of what I'm doing while I'm playing Grand Theft Auto. Hehe, I seem to remember a certain conversation that involved golf carts, golf cart racing, and running over golfers.

Azure: I didn't learn it was based on an anime until I saw a DVD for the anime at Sam Goody. And at that time I only knew of the game because my dad had given it to me after he'd finished with it.

But yeah, definitely don't want to play it. Even if I do think I know how to beat that monster now...I just don't want to go past those stupid axes again. God those are annoying.

Mimmi: Now that I really look at him, his head is shaped like a strawberry. Which is totally awesome! *huggles Kakashi-sensei*

Whoo! Yahoo! People can be just so nice sometimes!

You see, I was having trouble with the third question for the second round of the GamePro super hunt, so, I posted a thread in their forum with a plea for help. Only two people responded to it, but I did receive an email from someone who was having trouble with a different question. He offered to exchange answers. So, I emailed him back with the answer that he needed(it was for the second question) and he emailed me back today with the answer to the third. I skived off my work during CEWT for a moment, and quickly got the answer.

And boy am I happy! Now I can't wait until the 16th when the third round starts. I still remember trying this last year and not being able to find the right pages for the answers, even though I had all of them. Teehee, getting all of the answers was the result of spending hours and hours in GamePro's old chat room, which they removed because of problems with it. But I did have some great times in that chat. I met so many awesome friends who I'm still good friend with now...such great memories. *reminisces for a moment*

Ok, back to reality.

I finally got to take an AR test on The Fellowship of the Rings and...

Amazingly enough, I got 100%. I thought for sure I had gotten one or two wrong, but I didn't! I got 100%! A few questions it took me a few minutes to remember what it was that happened and some other questions really bugged me like one that went like this:

Saruman told Gandalf that they needed:

A.) Wisdom
B.) Friendship
C.) Power
D.) Leadership

Well, the multiple choice answers were different, except C, that one was power and that one was the answer. Stupid questions...

Okie dokie, I've got other things to do now, so later all...


Day: 121 [Random H*R links!]

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