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myOtaku.com: DaylightDancer

Friday, August 26, 2005


Stuck at home, as I usually am. blah. As shocking as it is, I wanted to go to the football game tonight... no, I am NOT filled with pep from all that rallying, I just know of a lot of friends that were going.

Particularly band kids, because I love those little band kids so much. ^_^

But today was just fantastic otherwise. Here goes the long post that's going on three different blog sites.

aforeschool: not much at all. except nick got behind me and touched me, and it creeped me out like whoa. especially the hovering thing since he's like, REALLY tall. like, lurch tall. sesshay followed me to my locker 'cos he's a stalker. and apparently, there was no homeroom today, despite the fact that I was told that there was. whoagofigure.

orchestra: sesshay was subject to the picture of john's penis again. haw. I just had to rub it in, because it's that funny that he's THAT scarred for life.

"stop it"
"stop it"
"stop it"


i'm evil.

as punishment, I got stuck between him and patrick in being tickled to death. lovely.

semantics: omfgz. newspaper day. read the Friday extra. wow. mindless self indulgence is coming in september, and I wanna go. so badly. but neither of my parents are taking a one hour (half hour?) drive to orlando to take me. but, good news! julia said her dad was taking her and another friend because he also likes MSI, and I could come. ^_^ I hope I can go. that would make me like, the happiest person evar.

latin: aaaaaah. did some thing with the new vocabulary and learned about other placings and sentences. shocking. we were actually taught something. patrick got summoned to the guidance office because he was put in the wrong science class. and for a while there I thought michale's theory was right, that patrick was going to get so fat that he would get suspended. which made me want to start to giggle. but giggling isn't appropriate in latin. psh. too bad, 'cos I'm a rather giggly person. teeheeguffawlolzhiccup.

geometry, not biology because 5 goes before 4: bah. went over homework. forgot my calculator in ze locker, but it didn't matter. did some vocabulary stuff on circles.

biology because 4 goes after 5: got into a debate about bias. i love those things like crazy, because it gives me an excuse to rant about stuff, and people listen. 'cos normally when i rant, people look at me like i'm crazy and then kind of...zone out or walk away.

lunchr0x0rz: kyle and michale were arguing about who stole who's shirt.
"i had this one for 2 years"
"well, i had mine for 5 weeks"
"2 years is longer"
"NUHUH, 5>2"
then patrick comes in somehow, i don't know how. says something about how he should be exempt from the pep rally because no matter how much everyone rallys (or checkers, teeheelamejoke) he won't have any pep.

cprtime: read the Friday extra again.

engrish: took a test on nouns. adam gave me gum that gave me a stomachache and tasted like cotton candy. evan asked me and patrick why we "wore so much black all the time", and of course we both had to go into elaborate, somewhat ironic sarcastic explanations.

"black with gray is so stupid"
"not as stupid as black with red cherries. that's pretty darn stupid now"

I think we pissed off the kid.

then all the cheerleaders and chiefettes and bandkids, and athletes got pulled out of class to prepare with the pep rally and such.


how ironic, AFI's "high school football hero" just came on!

and... moving on.

went to sewing. saw a big line of band kids (LUBB!) marching in the line. followed by drum line behind them. which was drumming in their line. i admit it, i sorta frolicked to the drumming and made an idiot out of myself. but seriously, that's way expected if you know me at all. especially if you've been with me to any sort of amusement park. then it's BREAK DANCE CITY, BEBUH!

then got to sewing. tried sewing my crappy excuse for a pillow, christy wouldn't help me. =( then pep rally.


oh, and we had to sit in the seniors' section, because the freshman section was full


i'd be lying through my teeth if I told you that it bothered me. because it didn't. seriously.

chiefettes. band. cheerleaders. introduces fall teams. me and christy scream "w00t lexi!" when swim team comes out. my one bit of pep. there.

oh, and step team.

youcanguess, what kind of people are all WOOOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOOO SHAQUANDAAAAAAA!!!!

okay, I don't know if anyone was names shaquanda, but it's likely there was.

then back to sewing. finished my sad... SAD excuse for a pillow, talked to christy and ashley about seventh grade and stuff. "omgz i saw keagan playing kickball today!" hah. some girl comes up to us and asks if a tampon ruins your virginity, because her mom and friends told her so. michael eloquently corrects her. she even goes on to take out a tampon and dissect it. "that whole thing goes in there? how's it supposed to hold all the blood?"

we got let out early. skore. had a eurotechnodanceparty and got grabbed in the boobs.

double skore.

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