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myOtaku.com: darkZander

Sunday, May 21, 2006

darkZander's life update

my arms are so burnedfrom the sun at the water park.but it was fun i meet two of my friends there
and we went the wave pool it was fun until we got deeper out there.ok im short and i could not stand up and the waves kept hiting me.i had to swim back my legs wear tiered.but we wanted to go
on the bigest slide there.we walked up then are legs stared to hurt.i was pulling my self up by the rail.there was 5 leavels more to clime.
i was wanting to just sit down and rest but i couldnt i would look like a freek.we finaly got there and the ride down was fun.so thats what happened to me.

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im wondering if my friend is still alive out there so if you come by i need to tell you something.

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