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Thursday, June 23, 2005

84!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 84 visits. 84 visits and 8 gb entries. I think I would have had 9, but stupid me, I had several windows open, and I accidentaly clicked the "Delete entry" link, and deleted Kira's entry on my gb, I still feel bad. Not that anyone cares, because no-one wisits my site. *_'
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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

So, no-one knows how to post pictures... c'mon, somebody should know. (well, not like I get a lot of visitors, [and thank you for those that have]).
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Monday, June 20, 2005

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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

   81!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Up to 81 Now! C'mon, help me out, sign my gb. *_* Thank you lis sing!!
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Sunday, June 12, 2005

   Still at 80!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Thursday, June 2, 2005

   WWWWWWHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! YEAH!!!!! 80 Total visits, and 7 Guest book entries. C'mon people, sign it please! LOL!! (yes I'm laughing by myself).
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Monday, May 30, 2005

Hi. I hope that everyone's doing okay, or at least better than I. For anyone that plays guitar, that is learning or has learned, check out cyberfret.com, they've got bunches and bunches of lessons and tabs.
By the way, for anyone that may care to answer this, how can you put pictures on the page, besides the main picture, (in my case, the picture of Kenshin)?
I'M UP TO 78 VISITS!!!!!!!!!

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Sunday, May 29, 2005

okay... it hasn't been nearly a year, only like 7 months.
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I haven't been by here here in a long time. Not even to say hi. Well, I have 4 new guest-book entries within the span of almost a year, (i think). LOL! And in total, I only have 72 visits. HA HA HA Ha Ha!!!!! I'm laughing at myself. I'm so stupid for not even having tended to my page for this long, I had even for gotten for a while.
Well since I'm on, I guess I'll talk about my day yesturday. A friend of mine took Jacob, Eric, (yes, the very same Eric that I hated, and of which am still very angry at), Herself, and I to the island. We spent pretty much the whole day there. I live here in Deep South Texas, so South Padre Island isn't too far from home, only about 50 miles or so. For those that have read this far, and haven't lost intrest, if you've never seen a beach, the ocean, or a body of water, it's a nice place to get away to. Except for the sunburn, I HATE the sun burn. But I haven't really been burned too bad recently, and I wasn't yesturday. So, yeah... er... ok.
Eric and I, our relationship together as friends has mended a little, but not completly, it never will. I realized that just hating him for something that he purposefully did, was childish. Yeah I know how mad I was. I was honestly ready to kill him. I was ready to die if it meant that he would suffer the most painful death conceivable by man. Then I realized the monster I had become, and that this was one of my best friends, (and like I said) childish. But feelings and trust are a couple of the things that I am almost incapable of now. There are only 2 people that I really really trust. Jacob, and Omar. Jake's got a page on the Otaku, but he probably forgot about it by now.
School let out this past Thursday for me.
That's pretty much it. Hey, oh yeah, for all the people that stopped by my site, and/or signed my guest-book, thanks.

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Sunday, October 17, 2004

Cool, I can play American Idiot from Greenday, not very well, but hey, at least I can play it. I love my guitar.
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