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myOtaku.com: DarkfireDragon33

Monday, July 12, 2004

   part 7 or whatever of my story ***this part is rated G cuz its kinda boring until the end lol***
so anyway.......

I decided i needed to visit Ishizu while the night was still present. On my way there i passed Mokuba still looking for Casey, god i didnt care where she was and i wished Mokuba would stop caring about her, i mean, Kaiba seemed to be taking it well. Anyway, when i finally arrived at Ishizu's automatic door, i was about to enter when i heard from inside, "Come in Danielle, I've been waiting for you." Now that was just frickin weird...I stepped into a dark, empty room where i saw Ishizu sitting at one of the lounge chairs. "Hello Ishizu, I umm.." "No need for introductions Danielle, i know why your here." "Oh" i said calmly. I was grateful i didnt need to open with small talk, i was terible at that. "Your here to talk about your newly discoverd millenium item, is that right?" she said. "Yes it is" i replied. "You see Danielle,..." she began. "...the ancient millenium items are very powerful objects that weild the ancient pharohs powers." "Yugi" i said. "Yami actually" "oh right" i blushed. "Anyway, long ago.." "Yes i know the whole story of them Ishizu, no need to explain everything. i just information about MY new item." I felt i had saved myself from a lot of lecturing. "Oh yes of course, i suspected you aready had knowledge of the ancient past.." "yes i do" i added. "Your item is a very powerful one, only such recordings of it were considered myths" "Myths?" i questioned. "Yes, you see, people could not imagine the powers of your dagger so they did not belive it." "But what kind of powers does it posess?" i asked. "Very special ones indeed, it is belived to hold a yami within its depths, an alter ego if you will. Unlike the yami within the millenium puzzle, you would have no awarence of what your yami is doing, other then that, that is all i know..." Just then a loud yell echoed down the hallway. "what was that!?!" i hesitantly asked. "i dont know" Ishizu calmly said. I got up from my seat and ran to the door, "Are you comming?" i asked. "No, my presence is not required, although i think you will find out very soon about your yami.." I didnt know what Ishizu was talking about but i left anyway only to find everyone else running down the hallway to the arena doors...

We all got there and saw Mokuba standing infront of what looked like some sort of outside storage cabin. "Shes dead!!!" Mokuba yelled and pointed inside. Me, Tristan, Joey, Duke and Yami Yugi all went over to it while the other girls stayed behind. "L-look ins-side" said Mokuba with tears rolling down his face. "Oh my god Mokuba whats wrong?" i went over to him while the guys peered inside. I had my head turned away from the cabin to Mokuba but i quickly faced it after i saw his eyes get bigger. All i saw was Duke fainting with blood running out of the dark shed. I looked closer into it and saw......CASEY! "OHH MY GOD!! SHES DEAD!!" i screamed. The other girls came running over and saw her severd into peices soaked in blood. They were all vomiting and coaking at the smell of it. Just then i had realized what Ishizu was talking about! My yami! my yami did this! "I did it" i said shocked with my eyes open. "No, Danielle, you didnt do this." Tea said. "YES I DID!! MY YAMI DID THIS!!" i ran away with tears pouring down my face. "Danielle wait!!" Mai called wiping the vomit from her mouth. Just then as i was running inside i ran into Seto, "Ugh, watch where your going!! ohh its you Danielle , i uhh.." "just leave me alone!!!" i yelled, running down the hallway, retreating to my room. I could hear him ask Mokuba what all the yelling was about, and I looked back just in time to see everyone turn to Kaiba with blank and dreary faces....

I loved and cared for seto way to much to see his face when he sees his dead girlfriend, who i killed! I got to my room and jumped face down onto my bed and weaped so much that i soaked my entire pillow. Just then i heard a voice from inside my room.."stop crying you pathetic fool" I got up quickly and sat up with the sheets covering my body, my hands grasping them tightly, shaking. "Who-whos there?" i finally called out. "Duh its me, you pathetic FOOL!" wait, i recognized that anoying voice! It was Marik! "Ma-Ma-Marik?" i asked. "Y-Y-Yes!, good job! now we'll move onto bigger words!" he snickerd as he stepped out from a shaddow infront of my bed, i didnt see the yellow eye on his forhead so i knew i was safe...for now.

"So you killed someone, and your this upset? you wanted that bitch to die anyway!" he reminded me. "Yes, but NO i could never wish that on anyone!" i snapped back. "Hun, i know you where thinking it, i saw the way you glared at her from the moment you saw her, nice by the way, very evil." "uhh thanks?" i added. "Wait, i didnt see you when the blimp arrived." "Im anywhere where the shaddows are, me and my babe Naru" "awwwww" i smiled. "Silence! do u want my training or not?" "why do i want training from you?" i asked questionly. "Listen, youve got an evil yami, youve also got an obvious dark soul to.." "I do not!" i stated. "Yes, you do. You might not accept it yet but trust me, im feeling generous for now and you need my help to gain control of your yami." "Wait i thought you wanted the millenium items?" "Ohh yes of course i do! but i want to wait to try and get yours, you see, your dagger is much too powerful for me to handle now, but later..." *Laughs evily* "Gee thanks i can hardly wait....wait, so im more powerful then you because i have it?" "Lets not push it, your lucky i havent sent you to me shaddow realm already! Dont piss me off or i will!!" "alrighty" 0.0' i said. "Now lets begin....take out your item, ok now that you have it do u feel anything surging through your blood? yes? ok thats your yami taking over, you dont want that unless you want to kill someone.." i could see a faint yellow glow on his forhead..."Marik! come back!" i grabbed his arm. The glow faded.."ohh sorry sometimes i loose control too, anyway, if you concentrate hard enough, that surge should go away, you cant give in" "Ok i think thats enough for tonight, if you dont mind id like to be alone for a while." You can let go of my arm now," "ohh oops sorry" i said. "still upset about that murder huh? well if you need anyone to talk to, Naru will be there for you, dont talk to me about that crap, im not good at it." "uhh ok, and wait, how did you get into my room anyway?!?" "lets just say it was my yami". "uhh ok whatever." I walked out.

I walked down to the arena again, the sky was beautiful, stars coverd the night with a big moon right in the middle of it. I made sure everone was cleared from the shed and i walked to the opposite side of the arena and stood at the railing, peering out. i started to cry, after everything that just happened in such few time. Stareing at the moon ahead of me i realized this is where i saw Casey and Seto snuggling, this is the last time they were together..it only made me feel worse. just then i rememberd this is also where i was going to kill myself and then realized i had to kill Casey, not me. "I should have died, not Casey" i said quietly. "No" i heard a deep voice from behind me. I turned around and saw Seto standing behind me. I got those same chills i got at dinner, only these werent good chills filled with love and passion, these were chills of pure terror, i was scared he might push me off the edge for killing her. the tears got bigger now. "Dont cry Danielle, theres no need." "No need for crying?!?!? NO NEED FOR CRYING?!?! i shouted. "I just frickin killed your girlfriend! and you say theres no need for cying!?!?!?" I started to run away but he caught me in his arms. A tingling feeling came over me, he had a very strong grip. i was bawling now. "Stop, stop crying! you did nothing wrong! heard the whole story from the others." "You dont understand the half of it!" i was struggling to get out of his hold. "Danielle, i dont care! it was bound to happen some day or another." "thats terrible!" i said and stoped moving, he let me go. "why do you say that? she was a bitch, everyone knew that, i dont blame you for killing her!" "I cant belive you just said that!" i said with very wide eyes.

ok ill finish this later cuz its like 12 at night lol xoxoxoxo byes

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