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myOtaku.com: darkeangel

Sunday, February 18, 2007

hiya folks. i return!

*large sound of indifference*

yeah i know, i've bee enjoying the peace and quiet too. ^^;;;

seriously though, i had a great holiday. the weather wasnt brilliant, but it all worked out in the end. the cottage we stayed in was nice and it was good just to get the hell away from the rat race of my life for a while. but im back now and have to go back to work etc etc. *sigh*

i'll have piccies (there arent that many) up for you on wednesday, and hopefully theO will approve my fan manga and you can take a gander at that soon too.

welp, thats it from me today. hope y'all are doing ok.
oh and Happy Birthday to Blue for tomorrow. ^^

"Tak Care: sheep ont road" - a sign in the lake district...

random factoid: the Lake District is where Beatrix Potter wrote her stories and is where the new movie "Miss Potter" with Renee Zelweger and Ewan McGregor was filmed. ^^


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