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myOtaku.com: DarkAngel666

Sunday, February 4, 2007

   A very bad couple of days
Well I guess its been a bad two days ~one~ all my friends couldnt come over to watch our movie marathon yesterday or today I dont know its 1:00 am here so Im guessing it counts as yesterday. Well anyways going on ~two~ on Friday night my brothers asked me to cook for them since they said they were starving and my father had already gone to bed(mind you it was already past 11pm)so I said yes. So I decide to make spaggettis and when I finised making the meat sauce I went to open the pot with the boiling water for the noodles I was going to make. When I tried to open it though the lid was stuck so I turned off the oven and lett it sit for a couple of seconds(it was a pressure cooker with a broken lid that I use). After that I went to open it again, but it wouldnt come off so with one big tug I managed to pop the lid off, but in doing that I caused all the boiling water to fall on to me. I ended up burnig my all my toes on my right foot, my stomache and my left wrist(Im just grateful it wasnt my right hand that I burned I use it for everything). Well anyways my foot and wrist dont really hurt anymore, but my stomache does alot. Apparently I have 2nd degree burns on it and I was suppose to go to the hospital at least thats what my mom said when she got home from work the next day(She works at the hospital). Well when I showed her my burns she freaked out and started yelling at my dad on how in his right mind didnt he take me to the hospital. I interupted her and told her it wasnt his fault, that it was my own, it was my choice to cook, and it was my my own stupidity that got me burn. She was still made, but she let it go and went to the store with him to get so medication for me. So yah It was a really bad weekenD all in all. Oh well I guess I just have to accept it and move on with my life, but mind you this...... on very this day and for every day to come.... I WILL FOREVER HATE PRESSURE COOKERS I SWEAR IT!!!!!!!!!

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