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myOtaku.com: Crow Shadow

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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Sexy Inuyasha (04/08/08)

thanks 4 the comments and i cool with that i will go see ur sis otaku

TheDarkAngel (03/25/08)

Hey, there!
Yosei here.

Thanks for pming me and saying u like my stuff! I'm addin u as a friend!

BTW, Welcome back to MyOtaku!
~Yosei (TheDarkAngel)

ani-hay (02/29/08)

hi thanx foe singning my gb if you dont remember my its probably because you singed a while ago ive just been on gaia alot so i dont go on theotaku much anymore well im signing your gb and im gonna add you as a friend if thats ok
ok bye byes

ps. pm me if you have a gaia and dont mind adding me as a friend

mysterioushanyou (02/28/08)

HIYA! ^_^

I LOVEZ YOUR SITE! :D it's totaly freaking awesome!


anyways.... if you don't mind i would like to add you as a friend ^^

feel free to drop by my site, pm me, or whatever x3

bye bye!

JELLY BEANS! i have no idea where that came from...

~i like to watch the puddles gather rain-

kizunatowryk (02/15/08)

nice backgroud

outcastsoul (02/12/08)

Wat UPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!
cool site
like da bg
thks 4 signing my gb n sorry 4 takin long 2 write back

2lovinuyasha (01/27/08)

Hey thanks for signing my guestbook. I hope we can be friends

Crimson flower (01/21/08)

Hay watz up thanks for signin my G.b and I might have to take you up on that offer for help on myotaku it's kinda confusing.anyway love the site and all thats on it.you can p.m me if you want and you can add me as a friend.Later. P.s Ichigo thanks you for adding me!

Metal Dragon (01/19/08)

Sorry it took me so long to sign you guestbook, been rather busy nowadays sonce its so close to the time where I have to go back to school again. Cool theme you have, I think I read the first volume of the manga, now if I cuold only find the rest...-_-'

Added you, PM me anytime you wish.

Ayu kinomoto (01/18/08)

thank u for signing! ^^ i love wolfs rain kiba is my favoritw charector! ill add u to! feel free to pm me anytime u Wish!

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