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myOtaku.com: corn

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010, at least we haven't started the bombing yet.
Nuclear, that is.

Damn it was kind of scary with that bomb threat in Detroit the last few days.

Now, what else is there educational in the news that has happened during the last few weeks or days of 2009? Well, Britanny Murphy died, one of the few celebrities that I acutally liked and felt bad for. Drugs my ass to those who always scream "Drugs!" whenever a celebrity dies, she was a good actress and a good person. Hmm, well, Charlie Sheen supossedly pulled a knife on his wife, which that doesn't surprise me. MSNBC shows us a timeline of what happened within the decades

China scaring the shit out of us informing us about a new H1N1 outbreak

aaaand... Kathy Griffin insults people... again..

So! Ready for another year of satire, war crime, and president bashing??

I'm actually feelin' OK about the New Year. I'm not going on about a big rant like last year, lol. Well, since I don't make resolutions because human nature inhibits us from making promises we know we don't keep, I'm just hoping that I'll be a better person this year and hope for more happines to come. Got anything exciting to say?

I'm really hoping for this year, though, is that I'm going to get better at art. And start writing again (I haven't written a serious story in years, other than in English class). I used to love to write. There were a few things and people that ruined it for me though, but I'm hoping to rekindle that fevor that I once had for it. And maybe start up martial arts again.

I haven't done that since I was little XD man I'm out of it. A little exercise won't hurt and I'll have to relearn everything again since I forgot a lot XD. I used to be in Taekwondoe, Brazilian Jiu Jistu, and Sanchin Ryu, but my first sensei had gone to Japan to train in the arts more, and the last martial art was boring and creepy XD.

Man I'm gonna go to college in a few years, there's some scary people out there! Better to know some self-defense then. I'm just paranoid person xD.

Hmm... other then that, New Years I really did nothing but watch Twilight Zone, Three Stooges, and Ghost Adventures marathon on a crappy TV. 3 TVs are broken. Our neighbor gave us a new one and that broke. XD oh well.

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