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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Holy crap! I'm not acutally going crazy this year! And a Monster rant.
I'm finding out that my junior year might not turn out to be so bad. Boring as hell and, with trimesters, stressful. But eh.. I made some new friends, lost some, made stronger connections with old friends yada yada. Dealing with people is tough. Then again, what do you expect from a young misanthrope?

So Algebra 2 this year really isn't sucking too much, even if I still have to go to "meth" lab. wewt. Math lab, so fun. I surprising aced a quiz this week. Holy igrjfdnmahfuir9. I can't count backwards with my 2 hand or toes and I aced it.

So a few weeks ago, I got to wear a dress at my aunt's wedding. I. Hate. Dresses. Ever since I was five. I'm not a true hard-core tomboy, but dresses make me want to roll in the mud.

So it was a nice brown color dress XD. But the wedding was really fun and I'm proud for my aunt. There were cupcakes instead of the traditional wedding cake.

So let's see here, fastforwarding now, hm well, nothing else. Had another pep assembly at school yesterday (we suck) and I fell asleep for five minutes. Listening to nice melodic death metal to drown out the noise. Got home, and am re-reading Death Note 'cause it's that good. Haven't read it in 2 years now and I'm starting to remember what happened. I'm all like, "oh yeaah, that's what happened, uh-huh I remember Light killing that one dude now". I have a new love though, called Monster. I read the manga and it's airing on Sci-Fi (sorry I mean SYYYYEE-FYEEEE. -___-;;;;) Oct. 12. I'm so excited!!

Yeah, I got no life XP. Oh well, Light Yagami totally has got nothing on Johan Liebert. Johan is 10x scarier than Light I-Am-Gay-spells-Yagami-backwards. Especially if Johan got a hold of a Death Note. Ryuk would have a blast watching.

Here's all about it

It's acutally a pretty in-depth anime. Not one of those pseudo-intellectual trying-too-hard-to-seem-deep animes like the ones that keep coming out. Most is just empty philisophical jargon. Death Note are one of the few ones that actually are intricately laid-out and acutally makes you think. Spooky huh? Well, I love it to death (pardon the pun. No, seriously, I did not mean it to come out that way) but Monster IMO is far better. Scary, actually. I was on my edge with this one (and it wasn't because of my 6th cup of coffee.) Not going too much into it if you haven't read it (I don't wanna spoil!) but it definately digs into the darker recesses of the human mind, defying morals and questions our own. How fragile life seems to be. Or is it worth it? Not everyone is equal, are they? This manga/anime definitley messes with your head and has twists that actually strengthen the plot and not make it less worthwhile like how some animes seem to do. So that's my short, ambiguous review (rant actually) about Monster. Left out a lot so you can get to reading to find out. NOW *RAWR*

lol j/k :D

pooo. I want to go to the Otep concert that's coming in the next few weeks (Five Finger Death Punch is actually headlining, but bah them.) Man that girl can growl and do it frighteningly. I get chills from the atmosphere in their songs, sounds like a murderous Halloween night. But more artistic and headbanging. Still creepy. Which I like. Idk, I'm weird 'kay? XP

Oh, I actually forgot, something DID happen this week. I painted a picture of fruit. Yes, I call it "A Bunch of Fruit and Shit Like That". No, seriously, I'm going to name it that. Terse and obvious. Isn't it an eloquent name? Painted an apple, grapes, and a banana on my desk with acrylics. Not finished but when I do I might show it here on this site (too shy to submit it on TheO). Don't know what compelled me except complete boredom and a lack of painting skills (luckily I'm taking painting class next trimester). I really needed to draw something before I forget how to, that's how long I haven't done any art. Man I'm losing it. Anyway, I'm also trying to build my portfolio for college. Y'know, still life, 'cause they love shit like that.

And our power briefly went out this morning. Don't know why, it wasn't raining. We learned it was because of a downed power-line and half the township was out. The country is a lovely place, where the electricity goes out a lot. Hey, maybe they're telling us to go outside or something. I keep finding coyote tracks out in our woods. In fact, a few weeks ago I was walking around the wooded area, not too far from the house, and I swore I heard a low growl from my right side. I had nothing but my "Moses stick" (a large stick I found and use when I go for a walk/hike) with me. LOL I bolted out of the woods XD I'm such a wimp. My mom when I was little went out for a jog and actually had to fight off a scraggly coyote. Yes, she fought it off, even though she can't tell dogs from coyotes (she grew up in the city and now she lives in "Jurassic Park"). And I just run. I'm so lame XD.

So yep, that's what happened. Yeah, this year's not so bad I guess.

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