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myOtaku.com: Colored Flowers

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Sorry I haven't updated in a while...Now that it's summer vacation i have so much to do...
i feel like a slave, but atleast i enjoy doing these chores daily. And now I gotta take care of my grandma, little brother and baby brother (not evn one year old) cause my grandma's back is going bad and wach the house too (including sweeping, dusting, cleaning, my sis cooks, I de-weed the garden *Damn those rose thorn bushes!!!*, walk and feed and wash my pup, thouhg i don't have much to complain about. The house is turning out fairly pretty. It's just like I have to work to earn my room in the house...my parent's work at their jobs, so I have to help them from home...That's not such a bad trade. But what really sucks is that i had to go to a hospital with my family and we had to wait in a room with people with children with cancer and other sicknesses when the peoples cheeks get swollen. The parents were nice, but you could see the hoplessnes in their eyes...it didn't make me too happy...
Well, enough of that. We should all be happy that we weren't born with disabilities or sicknesses like cancer, but we should care for the people that did just like normal people.
And then we all got stuck in an elevator (ON THE FIRST FLOOR!!!) and me and my sis were cracking up so bad, it was hilarious for us and our parents kept telling us to shut up because it was not funny and that we were wasting all the oxygen in the elevator. When the security got us out, a little boy started clapping for us and there was a whole bunch of people and my mom was like "That was scary" and "I was so scared" and when they saw the baby get out of the elevator they all went "AWWWWWWWWWWW!!!" (LIKE IN THE MOVIES) by that time I was blushing like crazy and had a strong urge to laugh my ass off!
And then me, my mother and my little brother ended up having to climb those stairs (Why did they have to make them double stairs! T_T) all the way to the 5th floor (THE ROOF) and man, was I tired afer that!
So hows everybody doing?
I hope everyone is ok out there!
Hugs and Kisses,
*In your dreams boys*
lol ^_^

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