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myOtaku.com: Cia-Chan

Saturday, March 19, 2005

   New Quiz
Play wonderland online! HASH(0x8c61a18)
Dark Purple Well, well arent we the sarcastic
type? You have a very witty mind thats filled
with artistic, observant, and intelligent
thoughts. You think a lot about nothing dont
you? Its ok to think about nothing, because
when you think about nothing, interesting
thoughts occur. Youre deep too, which is
surprising because, like I said. Youre witty
and sarcastic. Go You (rate me)

What color is your mind? (Anime Pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

Sad. I wish I was a better person--not so sarcastic; but I've had some tough times that made me that way. This quiz result is right on the money.

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