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myOtaku.com: ChristianOtaku

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Mood:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket CO: Friday was good. Today we're going to Galveston at 5:00 AM and we're coming back to Houston at 7:00 PM just in time for the 3 hour Naruto marathon. Woo!! Itachi!!! This shall be awesome. I have ramen, root beer, sushi, and Pocky just for the occation!!! WOOO!!! Gaa: Mmm, food. CO: On Friday my Mom and I cleaned our whole apartment and did laundry. It was tiring. But tomorrow I shall get allowance of $5. So I'm going to buy some manga. Some Naruto, Death Note, and Bleach. Maybe even Godchild, Nana, and Shonen Jump magazine. MUAHAHAHA!!! We're going to be in a boat since one of my Dad's friend invited us to go thee. So I'm going to the beach. Whee. I'm not really fond of beaches. The daughter of the guy who invited us there has a daughter my age and he says she likes Naruto and anime. I'll see if she's a real fan. Gaa: Sounds great. I'm coming along too, right? CO: Of course. We can't leave you here with all of these sweets and root beer!!! Gaa: Oh well....at least there's sand in the beach!! CO: I expect you to build me a huge sand castle!! lol, nah, I'm joking. But that would be loved. Gaa: It's no trouble. I just hope this trip is fun. CO: I hope so too. Oh yeah. In the apartments I live in, there's a lot of preps and people who earn a lot of money. I'm the only person (especially girl) who dresses "emo" like. So when kids see me walking or something with my Naruto Headband on my neck, Gaara shirt, tight jeans, studded belt, Converse high tops or stripped vans, they all stare at me XD Especially since my hair covers half my face XDDD I talk to myself sometimes and seem rather angry or depressed, so I get hilaryous looks from preps and innocent little girls. I even heard one whispering to the other "That emo girl is scary...." lol, I laugh at this. It amuses me XD I know. I'm weird. Gaa: It's annoying - -* CO: Oh come now. Have a little sense of humor. Anyways, that is all. Sayonara. Gaa: Sayonara. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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