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myOtaku.com: ChristianOtaku

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Mood:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket CO: I'm sorry if I didn't get to everyone's site....I've just been a little stressed....sorry. But yesterday I watched Naruto: Shippuuden ep. 6 & 7 TxT GAAAAAAAAAWWAAAAA!!!! I cried for most of the show because of what happens....TxT But I'm not going to say anything since I don't want to spoil anything for anyone. ;.; *mutters to self* It's all *sniff* going to *sniff* be okay in the end....*sniff* Gaa: What the O o.... CO: GAAAAAWAAAAA!!!! T3T!!! Gaa: Uhh.....don't worry about a thing, it's all in the past now.... CO: Still ;x; But at least you're here now ^^ Gaa: Yeah. It's okay. CO: Anyways, school was okay...for the most part. I have to do a Science prject about drugs wich is stressing me out at the moment...and it's about drugs. I also have another project for LA/SS....I bet I'll fail that.... Gaa: Uh, calm down a little. I'm sure there are people that are just as worried as you are. CO: True....but still. I read some more Death Note yesterday and am reading some right now. I promise to get to everyone's site who I couldn't get to yesterday I'll get to you today.....if I can. I have to work on my Science project. Gaa: I might be able to help you do some research on that. CO: WHAT?! NO!!! I appreciate it but you're already busy as it is!!! Gaa: O-okay then. CO: Yeah!! Oh, I also got some black and white striped stockings, black and white leg-ins, and black leg-ins yesterday. All I have to do now is get a new skirt and I'll be all set...^^ Gaa: //// Yeah. CO: I'm also not sick anymore!! Hoorah!! I've fully recovered! I cough here and there but it's all good. And the weather forecast said that it would rain this weekend!!! Rain, here I come!!! Gaa: ....you're not planning of standing out in the rain again, are you? CO: Er-no, of course not > > < < Gaa: You better not. CO: ^^" I hope today goes great....I can't wait to hear Itachi's American voice. They better not cut off the last few minutes of this Saturday's episode.... Gaa: That was a bit annoying. CO: Yeah. OH! I'll also miss my Siaras Kaiba (yes, MY Siaras), she'll be gone for most of the time. But I hope you have fun on your trip :] And if anyone wants some Antikku Cafe songs, just PM me and I'll tell you where you can go to get their fantastic songs ;D Gaa: I'll miss you Siaras. I hope you have a good trip. CO: Hai. Sayonara. Gaa: Ja ne. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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