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myOtaku.com: chokolatealkemist

Friday, January 11, 2008

   Hey hey!
5:30 p.m.-ish

Hello my friends, how have u been?^^

I'm kinda reeeaaalllyyy hyperfied right now XD

Hmmm...Theres been good news and bad news this week...
Good news:
*Its Friday!!!! =)
*This was the last day of first semester! NO MORE MS. LAWRENCE!!!! YAY! :D
*Next week is a 3-day school week for me, and they're only half days, and I get to skip my final English exam!!! DOUBLE YAY! XD
*New piccy!


Hosted By theOtaku.com.
*I got vol. 1 and 2 of Death Note on DVD!!! ^.^
Bad news:
*One of my bestest buddies, Aaron, is moving to Nashville Tennessee (which is like...the counrty music capital of the world) in 3 weeks!! T____T NOOOOO!!!!! My freind is leaving me!!! Seems like one moves every year...last year it was Racheal.... *sobs* I'm gonna get an account on AIM so I can keep in touch with him, but its still really depressing.... -__-"

Kingdom Hearts Stupid files ep. 5

Achmed the Dead Terrorist!!! OMG this is highlarious! XDDDD

~Ja ne!

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