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myOtaku.com: Chocobo Gene

Monday, September 13, 2004

A Day And A Half
I have had my first day back, and to tell you the truth, it wasn't half bad, I had a good day, and all went well, I don't have as many free lessons as I thought I would have, but, that disn't matter, I am doing what I want at the school, and it is free will, lol, school and free-will, not good in the same sentence, lol.

Well, I am going to the Bradofrd Universoty Library, so, no school, meaning I don't have to do any work, they want us to learn about our future, and our decisions, I will make the decisions when I can, I won't have someone telling me how to do it, but, it is a day away from the school, so, I am enjoying it :P

Well, Like i asid before, I have changed my list around a bit, and only people I want to talk to, our frequent visitors are left, I hope that more will visit this site, else I will satrt to delete your addresses, but, I will make an effort to see your sites too, so, it is a two sided bargain, well, if I have deleted you, and you want back, please make sure yuou tell me, and I wil ladd you back ASAP, it is amazing how many there is who havn't updated in such a long time, it is a disgrace, I hope they will come back :)

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