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myOtaku.com: ChibiSherube484

Thursday, November 25, 2004

XD It's been awhile!

Current Mood:

Currently Listening To: "Duvet" by BOA

XD It HAS been a while. OK, I'm feeling generous, so I'll make a post. :P

Well, not much has been going on. Hmm...ooh! I'll tell ya what I did last weekend! :D Last weekend I achieved one of my life's goals! To run around on a giant hampster wheel! Yes, GIANT HAMPSTER WHEEL. @_@ You KNOW you've wanted to! But, yeah, there was some old artish stuff nest to an old railroad...and it had a giant hampster wheel. XD It was fun running around on it! ^.^ If you EVER come to Houston, it's where Hutchins and Commerece intersect.

Aaaaaaand...I got to see..LAIN! I only got to see the first 7 episodes (out of 13), but it's SO awesome! ^^ I love the theme song too as you can see. IT's kinda my theme song. ^.~ OK...so I don't completely understand it, but it's probably similar to FLCL in the fact that you really don't get it until the last episode, eh? Well, that's what I think.

Oh, I found an AWESOME anime website too! The linkeh! It's awesome because it has feee MP3s! *coughisthatlegalcough* Haha, anyways! ^^;;;;

I don't think we have enough yuri/shoujo-ai appreciation on MyO! Dontcha think? I mean, I love shounen-ai/yaoi, but give shoujo-ai/yuri SOME credit! =) And for this very occasion, I have pictures. ^_^

Michiru and Haruka! From Sailor Moon obviously...but I HATE the fact that Cartoon Network, when they still ran Sailor Moon on TV, they made them cousins. COUSINS for chrissake! @_@ How f-ed up is that?! Anyway...

A lesser-known pairing of Ami and Matoko. Very puuurdy picture in my opinion.

This kinda makes me wanna get DOA. She's cute. ^//^ AND KICKS ASS!

Mmm...gothic chick...:D Oh, I think her name's Guadalupe(the girl in the picture). Yeah, go visit the website on the image. It's awesome!

Also from the same site as above. THink her name is Agostina. She's...dare I say hot? :)

It's NOT smut I tell you! They're clothed, mind you! XD

They're pretty too. ^^

OK...enough of that...I was overdue for pics. :P But, come on, now I'm feeling the pride! XD OK, slap me if ya want...I think I've been hanging out my gay friends too much?! Yeah, my FFXI linkshell(similar to a chatgroup) is a GLBT linkshell. Although, I'm the youngest and the only girl, we all get along great! What with all the "luub" between everyone. XD Don't get it? You're not supposed to. But um...I'm just glad I have friends even if they be online, older than me, or otherwise. ^.^

Oooooh...on FFXI I got rank 3! Ranks you ask? Well, you're a citizen of a country you choose and you do missions and get conquest points to help take over different regions all over the Vana'diel world. It's ever-changing though! Anyways, to get rank 3, I had to fight a frickin' dragon. Actually, it was impossibly easy because I had 2 people who had done it before and an almost full party. Anyway...here's that FUGLY dragon faithfully preserved in screenshots:

See, ugly? Yeah. It didn't take very long though. :)

Oh, by the way, did I mention that I hit 500 hits? YAY! ^^ Actually, 510 by now, but...you get the point!

Oh well...I guess I'll see everyone later! ^.^ I'd say more, but I cant think of anything. Take care, everyone! ^^

Note: Resized images are linked to the full size version.
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