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myOtaku.com: ChibiSherube484

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Oikakete! Oikakete! Shiroi Kaze!
Current Mood:

Currently Listening to: "Shining Collection" from Gravi!

Well...since I've had so many pictures...now it's time for...TEXT!!! MUAHAHAHAHA! Soy la Enemiga Mala!! XD Well...first off, did I ever tell you my schedule? I don't think I did so...(by the way, the way it runs...8 periods...about 45 minutes each or so...I think...>_>):

  • 1st Period-English

  • 2nd Period-Spanish II

  • 3rd-Skills for Living(AKA Home Ec.)

    Next semester I have...Teen Leadership...oi! Well, that was the only other choice left without prerequisites...u.u

  • 4th Period-Advisory(AKA Homeroom)

  • 5th Period-Introduction to Webmastering

    And next semester, I will have P.E., which I HATE! ><

  • 6th Period-Algebra I

  • LUNCH! Which is at...1:00 PM...it's the last lunch too...which means it gets pretty nasty...><

  • 7th Period-U.S. History

  • 8th Period-Integrated Physics and Chemistry(AKA I.P.C.)

Well, ain't that lovely? I wish I had art...u.u But my art teacher went to another school! T_T MY two favorite teacjers left last year! >< My 6th grade enligsh/reading teacher, Mrs. Skala, and my art teacher for the previous two years...Mrs. Babbitt(*lol* If you've ever seen Kodocha the anime...well, just look up the word "babbit." *lol...more...*) But that...grrrr...but I have a REALLY cool US History teacher! ^^ Yah, Mr. Kent is awesome! (And the only male teacher I've ever had in my life...>_>) BWAHAHA! I've been downloadin' more NG MP3s...hehehe...they may take FOREVER, but it's worth it! ^__^ Go........here!! But...*whispering* Don't tell anyone about it! It's a...secret! ^.~ And if you really want Wolf's RAin, just ask me! I got the same CD! Ugh...today in Webmastering class, we talked about copyright laws. Tee-hee. Just because I download MP3's off the Internet, doesn't mean I'm breaking the law...hehehe...uhhhh...well, let's forget that then...you know what's really funny? Yesterday, we talked about search engines in the same class...ya know, boolean and shit...anyway, we had to look up our own names...and on the second page, there was something about Molly Sims's clitoris! XD That's odd. But I find it so funny! KLEEEEEEEE! But if I search my nickname, it takes me to my MyO homepage...here! >_> Well...uhh...anyways...here's some poems I wrote and have been too lazy to post...they're a LOT moe recent than some other ones I posted on DeviantArt...oi...:

Scrying Mirror

I look down

and see my heart

It takes the form of a mirror...

a black one.

I can only see reflections,
but it is enough.

Enough to see what's inside my torture.

It binds, constricts, and weakens everything...

But it is well-known for its nothing...

My mirror doesn't exist,

but only it it's one form.

Anything can shatter it,

with enough pressure...

I love no one and everyone.

Only love is what I love...

Nothing else.


Haze our dreams...

For we are unconscious

of our sanity.

I push my door open,

but it's not a room...

In it lies nothing...


So forth my sea of dreams comes,

but it will not tumble.

As it flows evenly,

I sleep in silence

with a tear coming

from the sky...

It hangs...

And drops to my pillow,

quickly seeping into the fabric...


Why do you ask?


Fading, smoky tears

are the beginning.

Are you there? Listening?

Gaze into forever

my insane lover.

Will you be there

to catch my falling



my crystal ring I gave to you...

is thrown away,

as I...

Thank you!

And rememberance is

nothing...so forget...

Let me take your bad dreams,

suck them dry, and devour them.

For it will feed...

feed the rich and miserable.

Now, dance! Ignore the music

and yourself!

Flow your soul onto a sheet...

and I will treasure it


What do you think? ^__^ Tell me or...or else! (Or else what?) Exactly! Hehe...Hey, has anyone watched Totally Obsessed on VH1? It's...interesting...there was this one 50-year-old guy...who actually thinks he is Peter Pan. He wears the costume ALL the time and even eats like him and has the same hair...O.O Creepy. And he's been doing it since he was 20! o.O;; Weeeeird...there was also this guy who was obseesed with PacMan...sometimes he would "spread the joy" by driving around in his car and yell to people through a megaphone about PacMan. Stuff like,"PacMan! You WILL say it!" And guess what we all expected that's true...he's kind of a...well, he's a big, fat, sweaty nerd. *lol* Well...anyways...I'm gonna try to get on the Kujata server! See ya! ^^ *waves goodbye* OK fine...HERE! *hands out pie to everyone* Mmmm...pie...

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