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myOtaku.com: ChibiSherube484

Monday, August 16, 2004

Come back and kiss me in vain...
Current Mood:

Current Theme Song: "stray Child" from .hack//SIGN OST #1

Currently listening to: Well...songs that I think would make me more sleepy than awake...

Well, I'm trying not to be a sad panda...*Petey voice* but I can't help what I am! u.u *end Petey voice* Ugh! School sucks MAJOR ass! >< IT sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks!! >< And...the pain of unrequited love...oi...ehh...I don't really wanna talk about it! Nor do you probably care anyways! *fake smile* ^^;;; Well...let me share with you my ultra-long...quiz binge! Well, time to purge! XP

The Basics
Laterality? [Left-handed/Right-handed]:Right-handed...but I can use the computer mouse with my left hand! If that counts...
Nationality?:Uhhhhhhhhhh...what exactly are you asking for?
Place of Birth?:Well...I ain't goin' farther than Texas...>_> It's the INTERNET ya know!
Height?:5' 7" I think...
Hair?:Blonde...kinda wavy...(usually when I avoid brushing it ^^;;;)
Glasses?:Yes...I tried contacts, but it just didn't work...
Braces?:No, but I'll probably have to get them once I lose all my baby teeth...no, I still haven't lost them all yet -.-;;
Skin?:Uhhhhhhhh...white, peachish? Isn't that what color skin is? Well...for some people?!
Build?:Erm...let's just say that I'm losing weight...
Piercings?:No, too young...I don't even have my ears pierced...nor do I want them pierced...
Innie/Outtie?:Innie...I don't even know anybody who's an outtie...
Shoe size?:Uhh...women's 10, men's 9...
Jewellery?:Well, I have this one necklace I usually wear...but it's more like a guy's neckalce so to speak...>_>
Makeup?:No, I hate it. I'll NEVER wear it so long as I live!
Fingernails?:I try to keep them short...because you can't play guitar very well with long fingernails! ^^
Biggest Personality Trait[s]?:Umm...
Outgoing / Shy?:Shy
Loud / Quiet?:Depends...usually I'm quiet, but around my friends, I tend to get kind of...louder...
Social / Antisocial?:Anti-social...most of the time...
Food?:White Castle burgers! ^__^
Band[s]?:Uhhhhhh...do you REALLY want me to start? This might take awhile...
Book?:Hmm...since I'm a big manga fan, I can't say...
Genre of Music?:Rock and House/Trance
Mystical Creature?:Hmm...dragons, I guess...
Clothing Brand?:Uhh...I have clothes...and I don't ACTUALLY look at what brand it is...so...I don't have one...
Type of Shoes?:Uhhhhhhhhhh...the regular kind?!
Subject?:Hmm...hard to say...I like English class, but sometimes I have some problems...
Thing to do when bored?:Play video games...what else?
Quote?:Ooooh...I have LOTS of quotes...but, I don't have no favorite...but here's one: Remember, it takes 48 muscles to frown, but only 12 to flip someone off. *lol*
TV show?:AAAUGH!!! Don't make me decide!!!! That's impossible!
Cartoon Character?:Oooooooh...a 3-way tie between Kiba from Wolf's Rain, Kyle from South Park, and Tsukasa from .hack//SIGN
Movie?:A tie between South Park:Bigger, Longer, and Uncut AND Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
Place?:I don't have a favorite place.....o.O Wherever's fine with me...
Animal?:ACK! Don't have a favorite animal...I love all animals! ^^
Shape?:what kind of question is that?!
Thing to wear?:Black. Enough said.
Either or
Coke / Pepsi?:Neither. Dr. Pepper
Sprite / 7up?:Sprite
Strawberry / Orange?:Orange
Vanilla / Chocolate?:Vanilla!
Christina / Britney?:Neither...they both suck...literally! ^^
Fagstreet boys or N*stink?:Ditto
Winter / Summer?:Winter
Sex Pistols / Ramones?:DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE!!!!! Fine, the Ramones because I haven't heard the Sex Pistols music that much...*goes to other room to rummage for CD...*
Christmas / Birthday?:Birthday, because I don't celebrate Chirstmas
Briefs / Boxers?:What kinda question is THAT? I dunno...boxers?!
Stripes / Polka Dots?:Stripes...polka dots are DISGUSTING!!!
America / Canada?:Canada!
Australia / New Zealand?:Australia
Do you...
Cuss?:Sometimes, when needed
Drink?:No...but I missed my chance to have wine! >< *cries*
Do Drugs?:Nope...even if I DID, would I tell you?!
Eat meat?:Yes, but someday I want to become a vegetarian, but I ain't goin' vegan...
Have a pet?:yes, 5 cats and 1 3-year-old betta...
work out?:I try to ride on the stationary bike every day for at LEAST 15 minutes...
Label People?:No, labels suck ass...but, yes, sometimes, though it's unintentional...
Have siblings?:No...and I don't know if I WANT any! But who knows...
Quick, gimmie a girls name:Teresa?! Well, it's the first thing that popped into my head...>_>
and a boys, too.:John...ehhhhhhhh...
What are you wearing right now?:The stuff I slept in! ^^ Just a bug white T-shirt that goes down mid-thigh and...undergarments...but I WAS gonna go get dressed soon...
What do you wish you were doing instead of this quiz?:doing something with my friends, honestly...I'm bored...
Are you listening to music, and if so, what song and by who?:Agehachou by Porno Grafitti...but the song changed while I was typing this...it WAS Advice by the Pillows...The Pillows! *glomps*
Do you like kittens?:Yesh! Dey're so cuuuuuuute! :3
How about puppies?:Yes! They're cuuuuute too! ^^
Do you think i should end this quiz now?:I though it was a survey, not a quiz...
Okay, it's over. It was great, wasn't it?:Maybe........

Everything i could think of asking about you brought to you by BZOINK!
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What is your favorite..
gum:Juicy Fruit *tee-hee*
restaurant:Don't have one.
type of weather:snowy or rain...but, sadly, it doesn;t snow here...u.u
thing to do on a half day:Come again? *lol*
late-night activity:'puter time or...obviously...watching [Adult Swim]
sport:Umm...Kendo? I don't really like sprots that much...
city:Sedona...it's sooooooooo pretty there!
store:Hot Topic and Planet Anime(yes,I'm lucky, I have an anime store in my town! ^^)
When was the last time you..
cried:when I watched the ending movie for Final Fantasy X...yes, I beat the game! WAHAHAHAHA!!
played a sport:Uhhhh...a looooong time ago...
laughed:when I put something REALLY stupid on the last survey I took...
hugged someone:well, I hugged Mr. Bubba this morning! (my cat)
kissed someone:well........yesterday, Courtney kissed me on the cheek...I still don't know why...
felt depressed:*see answer to cried*
felt elated:wha?
felt overworked:when I was in school...*lol*
faked sick:Never...
lied:weeeeeeeell...I don't know........
What was the last..
word you said:well, I was singing to the song that was playing...
thing you ate:homemade breakfast taco...
song you listened to:right now....Tank! by the Seat Belts(Bebop! XD)
thing you drank:green tea
place you went to:*lol* the kitchen
movie you saw:oi...I have absolutely no idea...
movie you rented:I don't rent movies that often so...I still have no freakin' idea...
concert you attended:Ummm...I'm not gonna answer this one for fear of embarassment...u.u;;
Who was the last person you..
hugged:Mr.Bubba! :3
cried over:Tidus...if a video game chracter counts...
kissed:umm...Mr. Bubba?!
danced with:me
shared a secret with:me...again...I don't SHARE secrets...
had a sleepover with:Hmm...Julia and Davian I think...
called:I have no idea...I don't call people that often...
went to a movie with:my mom probably
saw:well...excluding the kitties, I saw my mom sleeping...
were angry with:myself
couldn't take your eyes off of:Mr. Bubba! :3 As you can see, I really love my cats...
obsessed over:hmm...Eiri Yuki from Gravitation...I guess...
Have you ever..
danced in the rain:yes
kissed someone:no...unless you count when I was little and more affectionate to my family...
done drugs:no
drank alcohol:no...but,dammit, I missed my chance to have wine! ><
slept around:what?
partied 'til the sun came up:uhh...never?
had a movie marathon:yet again...never?
gone too far on a dare:*sighs* Ditto
spun until you were immensely dizzy:yup, it's fun to try to chase the ceiling fan! ^__^
taken a survey quite like this before:yes...

The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety! brought to you by BZOINK!
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If you won a shopping spree at the CD store, what would you get?:Oooh...some anime soundtracks! ^^
Of all known acts of genocide, which do you think was the worst?:hmm...all of them?
Have you ever had nonsexual conversations with your partner during sex?:I'm a virgin O.O
If so, what do/did you talk about?:...
Does your best friend know he/she is your best friend?:I don't HAVE a best friend...
Is there someone who loves you that you despise?:No, not that I know of...
What is your favorite Depeche Mode song?:Hmm...I don't know...I know what it is, but I don't know what it's called...I'd have to ask my mom(who is a BIG Depeche Mode fan...)
What is your favorite Hank Williams Sr. song?:Who?
Who is your favorite diety (regardless of whether you actually beleive in):Hmm...Kali (Hinduism)
Who is your favorite teacher?:A tie between Mrs. Skala and Mrs. Babbitt...though, sadly, they both won't be here this school year...u.u
Do you pronounce coupon:kyu-pawn(?)
Are you getting laid nowadays?:Uhh...no...
What makes a thing art?:if you can see the message clearly enough
Where would you rather be right now?:with my friends...u.u
Who killed Bambi?:Who shot J.R.?! *lol*

Calculated Truths brought to you by BZOINK!
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Would you...
Jump out of a plane?:yes, if I had a working parachute and someone went before me...
Eat bugs?:no! Sick!
Go camping alone?:Nope...
stage dive?:Yesh! ^^
Have sex in public?:O.O No
Get naked in front of lots of people?:99% No
Kill some one?:no!
Get a tattoo?:Maybe...
Get a piercing?:maybe...
Set your self on Fire?:no!
Pull a truck with your shlong(private parts)?:umm...I'm a girl...
Ever get branded?:what?
SteaL from a friend?:no...unless...no, just kidding! ^^;;;
Steal from a store?:No!
eat something that was on the floor?:I do it al the time!
Torture some one?:No...
Would do lie in a bath of...
cheese? mmm cheeeeeeese.:YES!
Would you die for...
family?:yeah, sure
friends?:maybe...depends on WHO...*evil grin*

Do have the guts? brought to you by BZOINK!
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Pirates of the Caribbean... 1 or 2:Never seen it...
Dumb and Dumber or Dumb and Dumberer:Ditto
Legally Blonde or Legally Blonde 2:Legally Blonde
Freddy Cruger or Jason X:Freddy Krueger...(how IS it spelled?!)
8 Mile or How High:8 Mile
Finding Nemo or Lilo and Stitch:Nemo...I guess...
Honey or Bring It On:Never seen those...
Chick Flick or Action Movie:Action movie all the way!
Comedy or Drama:Comedy, but drama's OK sometimes...
Britney Spears:sucks
Justin Timberlake:sucks
Christina Agulera:sucks
JC Chasez:sucks
Christina Milian:is ok...
Eminem:I don't really like him that much...>_>
Kelis:NO! Milshake is SOOOO annoying!
50 Cent:HELL NO! he sucks...
Lil Kim:sucks...
Food - YES OR NO
whipped cream:YES
lobster:ehh...I could go either way
ice cream:yes
Location - PICK ONE
London or Paris:London
Los Angeles or Hollywood:Los Angeles...(but trust me, California drivers...are absolute speed-a-holics and kackasses! ><)
NY City or Las Vegas:Ney York City
Aruba or Jamaica:Jamaica
Cancun or Caribbean:Caribbean
China or Japan:Japan!
Disney World or Disney Land:The one that's in Florida....Disney World, right?
Big City ore Little Town:big city

Which One?? brought to you by BZOINK!
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First Thing That Comes To Your Mind!!
Girls?:ho! *lol*
Borthers?:haha! you missplled brothers! borthers...*lol*
Live Journals?:blue?!
Sports?:football( sucks)
Dude?:that stupid turtle from Nemo...
Rachel?:Morgan...(oh, how I remember that little bitch..)
Rap?:punk (hey! stupid eyes! don't look any further!)
Rock?:aerosmith...damn you Davian! YOU'VE CURSED ME!!!
Dancing?:angry ballerina...*lol*
Cell Phones?:dancing in a ballet with tuts and everything...*lol*
Diet Coke?:Dr. Pepper
Call Me?:no, biotch!!!!!!!!!!

What Comes To Your Head? brought to you by BZOINK!
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Grab the book nearest you, turn to page 21, line3. Write what it says.:the hell was I?"
What are you wearing on your left wrist?:nothing...
Reach your right hand as far as you can and write the first thing you touch:air
What colour are the walls of the room you are in?:white
What kind of flooring is in the room? (hardwood, carpet, etc.):carpet
What is on the walls of this room?:a pretty wallscroll, calendar, two framed posters, a big anime.manga collage...some REALLY stupoid paper plate masks...*lol*
Is anyone in the room with you?:no
List everything you can hear right now:the Chobits theme song, me typing, me breathing....me talking to myself...
Grab the nearest loose paper and describe what you see:it's a Final Fantasy XI controls and commands guide
Do you smell anything around you?:air with a small hint pf hardware and glue...o.O;;;

Surroundings. brought to you by BZOINK!
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your name:Shelby AKA Shirubi
act like someone you're not?:no
pretend like you're like someone in order to "fit in":no
jump to conclusions?:sometimes
categorize people based on looks or clothing?:I try to avoid that...>_>
make fun of people to make yourself feel better?:no
ever lied to a friend about something you've done?:once...
lied about being a virgin?:no
lied about drug use?:no
lied about alcohol consumption?:mebbe...
ever stolen something from a friend?:no
ever stolen from a parent?:no
put on a front to try to protect yourself?:yes...mostly
wish you were somebody else?:no
make an honest attempt to be a good individual?:yes
talk bad about people to others in an attempt to make yourself look better?:no
in denial about something?:yes! *tee-hee so which is it?*
ashamed of who you are?:not really...
afraid of what the future has to bring?:no
wondering if your friends are really there for you?:yes
wishing you could turn back the clock?:in a way, yes
unhappy with the person you are?:no, not really...
have a misconception as to who your are?:yes
make fun of you for being different?:yes!
treat you like you don't have feelings?:yes
talk down to you?:yes
forget about you a lot?:YES! SO TRUE!
do they listen to you and give you advice?:not really...
do they come to you for help?:ehh...depends...
are they always there when you need them?:no
will they keep a secret you tell them?:mostly
has a friend ever talked bad about you behind your back?:yes...>_>;;
ever been abandoned by anyone?:yes...I guess...
if so, are you afraid of people leaving you now?:YES!
ever talked about a friend behind their back?:yes...
have you ever been to therapy of any kind?:yup
do you think you need it?:yes
do you think you have issues to overcome?:yes
what is one thing your would erase from your past?:being REALLY mean to my grandmother
what is one thing you would change about yourself?:my enthusiasm...I have none whatsoever...
who is one person you are having a conflict with right now?:myself
what would you say to them if you talked to them?:ust shut up already...get those thoughts out of your head!!!
if you've ever lied, why did you do it?:for fear of getting into trouble...hehehe...
do you feel like your friends accept you?:75%

A Deeper Look Inside You brought to you by BZOINK!
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theOtaku.com: What Saiyuki Bishounen Are You?

  • My #1 result for the SelectSmart.com selector, Gravitation Character Selector, is Shindou Shuichi

  • My #1 result for the SelectSmart.com selector, Yaoi Selector , is Boys Next Door

  • My #1 result for the SelectSmart.com selector, Final Fantasy Dating Game, is Faris

  • My #1 result for the SelectSmart.com selector, Final Fantasy X Personality Test, is Auron

    I am today's

    Click here to learn more about this conqueror!

  • My #1 result for the SelectSmart.com selector, Are you addicted to online quizzes?, is If this item ranks at the top of your list, you're well on your way to becoming addicted to quizzes. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

  • My #1 result for the SelectSmart.com selector, Sandwich/Personality Selector, is Brie and Grape

  • My #1 result for the SelectSmart.com selector, The Otaku-o-meter!, is Almost an otaku..

    Your Vampire Life (female) by EvilKirin
    Your Username
    How Many Years From Now You Will Be Turned...6
    You Will Be Turned By...A Street Bum
    Your Signature Power Will Be...Razor Sharp Nails
    Your Vampiric Lifemate Will Be...
    You Will Lure Them Into It By...Seduction
    How Many Years You Will Live For...737
    You Will Finally Be Killed By...
    Quiz created with MemeGen!

    Jolly good, wot! Anyone for tennis? That'll be ten ponies, guv. You're the epitome of everything that is english. Yey :) Hoist that Union Jack!

    How British are you?

    this quiz was made by alanna

    How random are you?

    this quiz was made by alanna

    Ultimate Highschool Quiz
    Favorite color
    Favorite type of music
    Dorks are..
    Sporks are..
    Your classmates think you are.. a Raver
    You will graduate at age 18. TRUE
    Will you get laid in highschool? (8) - Outlook good. - (8)
    What percentage of the student body hates you? - 7%
    Largest amount of cash offered to you for sex $46.19
    This quiz by imabigburrito13 - Taken 136746 Times.
    New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!

    Your Inner Serial Killer
    Name / Username
    Your name is ... La'Moron
    Your weapon is ... Chocolate Dagger
    Your weakness is ... Cottage Cheese
    Your strength is ... Body Odor
    Your M/O is ... Body Carving
    This fun quiz by SwtGaAngel - Taken 6567 Times.
    New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology

    Which Random Chinese Proverb are you?
    Name / Username
    you are: It take many nails to build crib, but one screw to fill it.
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    Who Will You Fight To The Death 2
    Your full name
    Your age
    Which is most important to you?
    Which do you desire the most?
    Your Ultimate Foe Is... A harmless kitten
    Your Weapon Of Choice Is... 80's hair band metal
    Your Battlecry Is... "Go back to Whore Island!"
    Number Of People Killed In Battle... 646671882
    Percentage Of Earth Destroyed... - 81%
    The Final Outcome Is... You WIN! You enslave the children of the world and force them to live like cannibals to survive! MUHAHAHA YOUR SICK GAMES BRING YOU SO MUCH PLEASURE!!
    This Quiz by DarkLordMurdoc - Taken 237 Times.
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    Your Death
    Current Mood
    Pick a Color
    How You Will Die: You will choke on a sour gummy worm
    How Long People Will Remember You: 1 day
    When You Will Die: tomorrow
    Where You Will Die: in Iraq
    Your Last Words Will Be: "I love myself!"
    This Percentage of People That Knew You Actually Liked You: - 7%
    This fun quiz by brittiami - Taken 653 Times.
    New - How do you get a guy to like you?

    What would you do if you could time travel?
    Your age?
    What you will time travel in. Ford Pinto-Hey it worked in Back To The Future. You just couldn't afford a better car.
    What will you do.. Go back to the time of the Roman Empire and get Julius Ceaser hooked on Pot...thus causing him to just lay around eating chips and making it a rule that all romans must toke up and Paaarrtaayy!!
    The year you will get stuck in. 1014
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    New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!

    Which Mysterious Death will be Yours?
    Favorite Color
    Usual Hangout
    Favorite Food
    You will die while you're asleep.
    Who will find your body? An old lady out walking her poodle.
    You will be wearing nothing.
    And the Mysterious Cause... aliens and their anal probing.
    This cool quiz by cutelilangelx - Taken 15003 Times.
    New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology and Horoscopes

    What is your talent?
    Name / Username
    Talent shoving 6 Skittles up your nose
    How spiffy is your talent? (1-10) 8
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    New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology

    Pick One
    Pick A Movie
    Pick A Beverage
    Gayness - 100%
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    What Song Lyrics Describe you?
    Full Name
    how do you spend your spare time?
    Favorite Saying
    Song that describes you Back in Black, by AcDc
    Band that Describes you Sublime
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    New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!

    Gothiness: - 74%
    Geekiness: - 20%
    Punkiness: - 27%
    Prepiness: - 20%
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    New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!

    Insanity Test
    Your problem is ...Well what ISN'T your problem?
    Will you ever be cured? (8) - Don't count on it. - (8)
    Just how crazy are you? - 98%
    This Quiz by insanitydefense - Taken 186846 Times.
    New - How do you get a guy to like you?

    i'm kumagorou!
    which member of nittle grasper are you? click here!

    Duty and Loyalty: You serve your purpose and do
    what you must do. People would consider you
    someone to rely on, and one who keeps his/her
    word when he/she gives it.

    Which Characteristic From the Samurai Code Matches You Best? (You may find out your best trait)
    brought to you by Quizilla

    You're sort of glompable. You're kind and happy
    enough to let someone glomp you, but you're
    rather delicate, so you have to be careful!

    How Glompable Are You?
    brought to you by Quizilla

    You are Pink
    What color are you? (Anime Pictures)

    brought to you by Quizilla

    You've been overdosed
    so many times with chocolate and pocky, that hyperactiveness has become
    second nature to you. You usually act without thinking, and you trust
    people too easily, but everything always has a way of working out for
    you in the end. You also adore blonde nicotine-enhanced writers who
    think you've got zero talent - but who doesn't?

    Gravitation Character Are You?

    Which Sandman Character Are You?

    What type of Bishounen are you? Find out at artificial-soul.net by Rin.

    You are. Eiri.
    cold. sexy. mysterious

    Your the dominant role of your petty relationship.
    You are a hollow shell, beautiful on the outside,
    calloused and ripped apart in the inside. You
    hold deep burdens, and no one seems to know 'too'
    much about you. You are the romance novelist who
    does nothing to keep his relationship alive. But
    you have a lover who cares about you dearly, no
    matter how much you abuse him.

    Gravitation quiz
    brought to you by Quizilla

    Your ideal Gravitation guy is Shuichi (my favourite
    character! YAY!!)!

    The Gravitation Dating Game
    brought to you by Quizilla

    You are in another world
    You are Fantasy. You have an active and firey
    imagination, and you love escaping into
    strange, beautiful worlds. You're intensely
    curious and dive in to new experiences with
    vigour. As a result, you may sometimes be
    dissconected to reality, or at least bored by
    it. People see you as a dreamer, and they're
    probably right. You spend a lot of time inside
    your head.

    Art Thou? -Your Art Style Personality
    brought to you by Quizilla

    Holy shit, you say? I would agree...well, so long! Telby needs sleep! *yawns*

    (P.S. Yes, the lyrics are from "Stray Child" from the .hack//SIGN OST#1)

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