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myOtaku.com: ChibiSherube484

Monday, August 16, 2004

Current Mood:

Current Theme Song: "Bran-new Love Song" by The Pillows

Currently listening to: FLCL Fooly Cooly Soundtrack #1-Addict

Well, hamana. I'm neither happy nor sad...I'm completely neutral. (Neutral Planet subordinate: Sir! They're attacking us!

Neutral Planet Leader: Tell my wifr I said "hello." *lol...sighs*)

Anyways, I'm more sad than anything...which means...I'm a saaaaaaaaaaaad panda... But...I'm not a panda...>_> Weeeell...

#1. Diego died. I think Friday or Saturday...the really peculiar thing was...the night before, I had a dream...and in that dream, he was about 2 years old, and completely able-bodied and could just like Mattheas(his brother)...and he was talking and having fun with me. Really odd part...he had like, that really really light shade of blonde for hair...like the color of Draco Malfoy's in the Harry Potter movies...except it was styled differently...but, I suppose my subconscious was trying to tell me something...hmmm...anyway...

#2. You see, I have this problem...well...i know! I'll put it in Al Bhed...and YOU *points to you* have to find a translator to translate my post!! Well...trust me...there are some on the 'net...and, if you do decide to read it...I'd like some words of wisdom/advice/etc. *bows* I'd be a little happier if you would. Well, here goes:

Famm, oui ghuf E's pecaqiym, nekrd? Famm...oui caa, uha uv so pacd vneahtc...fru'c y kenm...ans...E drehg E's eh muja fedr ran...pid, cra cyoc dryd cra'c cdnyekrd un cusadesac "ycaqiym," frelr eh ran lyca sayhc dryd cra tuach'd muja...yd ymm...yht, ed naymmo sygac sa cyt...rufajan, uhla cra cyet cusadrehk ypuid...famm, so vneahtc yht E fana fymgehk...eh fyc...Z, T, yht E(hysac yna bundnyoat po vencd ehedeym...)...yht uv luinca, T'c cdnyekrd...yht cra cyet cusadrehk mega,"Famm...luhcetanehk oui YNA dra uhmo cdnyekrd bancuh rana..." Yht E's mega,"Fryd?" Drah cra cyet hudrehk...mega YMFYOC...>_> Famm, ymcu...E tuh'd ghuf FRO eh dra ramm E fuimt muja RAN...ed'c hud dryd cra'c y pyt bancuh...ed'c zicd...geht uv...utt...E geht uv ryja seqat vaamehkc ypuid drec...pid, E naymmo muja ran...E's naymmo luhvicat! Yht...iciymmo frah E ryja bnupmasc, E ku dymg du so sus...pid dra drehk ec...cra GHUFC Z yht fuimth'd aqyldmo ybbnuja uv ed...ed'c ran tysh vysemo'c vyimd! Drao'na ekhunyhd yht...famm, drao YNAH'd pyt baubma...pid, ed'c ran vysemo'c vyimd dryd E lyh'd cdyo dra hekrd yd ran ruica yhosuna...ihmacc drana'c cusauha amca...(mega T) cdyoehk drana duu...yht, E luimth'd ycg so udran vneahtc palyica...aedran drao ghuf ran, un drao't kad ymm vnaygat uid palyica E's eh muja fedr yhudran kenm...tysh rusubrupac...yyr, huf E ghuf Cri-lryh'c ykuho...famm, cund uv...>_> Pid...YYYYkR! E's zicd cu luhvicat! *naymmo naymmo cyt huf* Yht...cra GHUFC dryd E's pe...pid E drehg ed sekrd ymcu syopa ibcad ran ev cra ghaf...pid E lyh'd ramb ed! Oui naymmo lyh'd ramb fru oui rybbah du vymm eh mujja fedr, oui ghuf? Ed'c druca tysh vunlac uv knyjedydeuh...famm, cunno du cuiht mega cilr yh udygi uh dryd mycd cdydasahd, pid...ed'c dra uhmo drehk E luimt drehg uv...moving on...

Uhh...I got to go to Planet Anime...I really wanted Shounen Zanzou(AKA Boys Next Door) by Kaori Yuki...but they didn't have it! And they EVEN have a big Japanese section!!! u.u Well, I had only $25 so...I got:

  • Gravitation Vol. 3

  • Excel Saga Vol. 1

  • Some...POCKY!! I wanted strawberry...but they only had regular...so, I settled for that...

Well. yeah...umm...Excel Saga was recommended to me by a friend of mine...god! What the hell happened to him anyways?! He just...disappeared...and I haven't even seen him once this year! >< Oi...it's kinda cool...and, is it just me...or is Hyatt almost EXACTLY like Mutsumi from Love Hina?! Well, except for the age and...the outfit and...the whole conquest thing...but their personalities are the same!!! Ugh...I need to go to sleep...it's Sunday night, and it's...11:13 PM...good night, fellow persuns! *yawns*

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