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myOtaku.com: ChibiSherube484

Sunday, July 25, 2004

   *growls* What if I don't WANT a title/subject?!

Eye Color::Green
Hair Color::Blonde
Hair Style::It's pretty wavy, but is also straight...it goes either way...*tee-hee*
Birthday(month and day)::March 7th
Heritage::Uhh...Irish, Choctaw Native American, British, German...uhh, I actually think that's it...
Religion::Half Jewish, half Buddhist
Skin Color::Umm...white?! Peachish?! Is that what you're asking for?
.::Currently You're::.
Seeing::the computer screen and keyboard...
Hearing::The fish tank
Talking To::My cat, Mr. Bubba! :3 Actually, his name is Seymour...
Drinking::Nothing...unless you count my own spit...I have to swallow it sometime, don't I?!
Wearing::My dad's bright yellow shirt, and guy's shorts that go down to my knees
.::Relation Ships::.
Single or Taken::Single
Crush/gf or bf::Neither...I'm just...alone...u.u
Their Name::*growls*
What do you like best about them::*still growling*
Why are you attracted to them::*stops, growls again*
.::Last Person That::.
IMed you::Julia, but I was talking to 3 people at the same time...
Yelled At You::My mom
Hugged You::My kitty cat! ^__^
Kissed You::Uhhhhhhh...no one?
Said Your Name::Uhhhhh...My dad
Stared At You::My cat
Laughed At/With You::My mom
Band(s)::GYAH! Don't have one...too many to choose from...
Game(s)::Hmmm...i'd have to say .hack or Final Fantasy XI...(which is finally working >_>)
Movie(s)::A tie between Cowboy Bebop: The Movie AND South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut
Book(s)::All my manga books and anything by J.D. Salinger(Damn you mother!! Not really...>_>)
Friend(s)::I dunno...
Song(s)::Currently: Agehachou by Porno Graffitti
Tv/Cartoon/Anime Show(s)::Wolf's Rain, RahXephon, and South Park
Food(s)::White Castle burgers! ^__^
Color(s)::A tie between black and turquiose
Website(s)::Mine! *tee-hee*...no, not really, I dunno...I go to a bunch of websites...
Drink(s)::Sunkist and green tea
Obesity::I dunno...people should try excercising for once...not that I do as often as I should!
Fidelity::Should be...upheld...it's good, I suppose...
Anirexic::Eat dammit! *Shoves food down Mary Kate's throat*
Politics::Not my thing, but I have my opinions...
Racism::DIE racism! 'Tis not good to hate...wait a minute >_>
Homosexuals::Yeah, I don't care...I'm a yaoi/yuri fan! :3
Bisexuals::Yeah, same, you can love whoever you want..
George W. Bush::*looks to left, right* GO BACK TO YOUR TRAILER PARK!!!
Abortion::Should be allowed if necessary
Rape::Not good...people have their own will.................
.::Opinion on the band/singer::.
Good Charlotte::sucks
Madonna::is ok...don't really like her that much...>_>
Britney Spears::*growls*
Lostprophets::I've heard of them, but not their music...
Black Sabbath::Ditto
Blink 182::I don't really like them that much...
Something Corporate::I've heard of them, but not their music...
Evanescence::Yeah, they're cool. I have a burnt copy of their CD.
Eminem::Nyeh...not really...
Usher::No...I don't like his music either...
Yellowcard::I've heard of them, but not their music...
Are you a guy or girl::girl
5 things on your desk::FF XI controls & commands sheet, coaster, dead scorpion paperweight(yes, it actually has a dead scorpion inside!), sticky notes, screwdriver set...
5 cherished things in your room::my kitty! (well, right now he's in here...), my guitar, my manga collection, my dear old 'puter, my CD collection...
Best::Don't have one...
Most Smartest::Umm...not tryin' to be mean, but...me...
Most Prettiest::I don't know. They're my FRIENDS! I don't like to judge on looks anyway...
Most Funniest::Hmm...they all kind of are...I dunno...Stephanie?!
Most Sweetest::No comment...
Most Generous::Ditto.
Most Annoying::Victoria...she's so...CLINGY!
Most Creative::I dunno...everyone is creative in their own way...
Most Boring::Oooh....if you don't count me(I'm not boring, I'm a loner!! ><), I'd say Davian...sorry, but there's NEVER anything to do at your house!!
Most Saddest::Poor Tulia...
Most Talkative::Emily...well, she can be...I guess...
.::This or That::.
Dorritos or Cheetohs::Cheetos! Cheese is goooooooooooooood...
Cat or Dog::Kitties! ^__^ But I still love doggies all the same!
Jolly Ranchers or Starburst::Starburst
Orange Juice or Apple Juice::Either...
Blonde or Brunette::Umm...I dunno...blonde becase I am one?! Either one is fine...
Black or White::Black
Red or Blue::Blue...but I DO like red...
Japan or China::Japan...but I like learning about China's past...just not modern-day China...
Winter or Summer::Winter
Halloween or Christmas::Umm...Halloween...I just don't like Christmas that much...besides that, I don't even celebrate Christmas!
X-Box or PS2::PS2! But X-Bow is OK...
MP3 or CDs::CDs...because I don'r have any MP3s or MP3 players...but if I DID...
Pants or Shorts::Pants, but it doesn't really mayyer...
Real Life or Webcam::Real Life...
.::End of Quiz Questions::.
Did you like the survey::Nyaa...*scratches elbow*
(Rand.) Scariest thing in the world::I dunno...suffering...
Which question was the best::I DON'T KNOW!!!

Survey For Yourself brought to you by BZOINK!

Ehh...hamana...yesterday, I pretty much slept the whole day...and today, I got my furniture moved into the room I'm currently in so...ehh...I'm bored...well, whatever...so long...

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