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myOtaku.com: ChibiSherube484

Thursday, July 22, 2004

   Tee-hee! I'm evil! *Devious grin*
Telby took a lovely survey! Surveys are FUN!!

The stuff about ur lyfe
Wut is yer name?:Shelby
Around where do u live?:Somewhere.......
Got any pets?:Yes, 5 cats and fish fish who is past his time...
How bout imaginary friends?:Yeah, my main one is this little girl in my head who's usually quiet and innocent, but when someone does something really stupid, she screams,"DUMBASS!!! DUMBASS!!!!!" *lol*
Real friends?:Yes, I have a small, but OK group...
Hus ur bestest friend?:Don't have one.
Dating anyone?:Nope...and it'll probably be a long time before I do...>_>
If so, how long?:Hey! Shut up!
How old r u?:13
What color is ur hair?:Uhhhhhh...blonde...
How bout eyes, u got any? what color?:Green...though sometimes, in more dim light, they look blue...
Thats enuff in this topic, right?:Mebbe...
Color:Black...I also like red, purple, and blue...
Time of Day:Midnight
Food:White Castles!! ^__^ You know...the little burgers...
Actor:Don't have one.
Movie:A tie between South Park BLU and Coboy Brbop: The Movie
Book:Uhhhhhhhhh...depends...does this count manga? Because most of my recently purchased books are manga...and all the regular books I read are the school's or my mom's...
Song:*twitch, twitch, explode*
TV Show:Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...too many good ones...
Sport:I hate sports. Excpet fot kendo, swimming, and soccer...
This or That
Would u rather b deaf or blind?:Uhhhhhhhhhhh...hard choice...maybe deaf...but then I could'nt hear music ><
chicken or pizza:pizza
AIM or AOL:AIM...AOL sucks! (Or so my friends tell me...)
night or day:Night
sleep or awake:Sleep
friend or enemy:Friend
life or death:Life
blood or water:Blood...*mischevious grin*
summer or winter:Winter
glue or tape:Tape...I remember this one time in kindergarten...and we were glueing crap...and it got ALL OVER my hands...
blue or green:Blue
pain or suffering:Pain
hot or cold:Cold
evil or kind:Kind
pretty or ugly:Pretty
rap or rock:Rock all the way! You can't spell "crap" without "rap"!!!
What is ur fave type of music?:I like rock and trance...
Whats ur favorite band?:Uhhhhhh...I like a LOT so I really don't know...
Whats ur fave song?:Didn't you ask this earlier?!
Hus ur fave male singer?:Don't have one...
Female singer?:Ditto...
Have u seen ur fave band in concert?:GYAH! SHUT UP!!!
Ever meet them?:ACK!!!! *throws toilet seat at person who made this survey...*
If u could make ur own band, wut would u name it?:Hmmmm...how 'bout The Ceiling? *lol* No, really, I don't know...
What instument would u want to play?:Well, I already play guitar...and I REALLY wanna play electric guitar...but if I had to choose a classical instrument, I'd say a harp or a Shakuhachi flute...
Do u play an instrument?:Yes, the acoustic guitar...hoping to move up to electric...
Do u hate contry music?:YES!!!!!!!
Better on girls or guys?
blue eyes:OK...if I HAVE to answer these, I will...OK for this one...uhhhh...guys
brown eyes:either
green eyes:girls
hazel eyes:either...I only know one person with hazel eyes so........
long hair:either...as long as guys don't have it as long as SOME girls >_>
short hair:either
baggy jeans:guys, but girls look ok in them, too......tee-hee, I have two pairs of guy's shorts!
make up:neither...I HATE make-up and I'm never wearing it myself unless I ASOLUTELY HAVE to...
shorts:either...as long as guys don't have hair like an ape! *lol*
flip flops:either
tall:either...height doesn't matter...
glasses:either...I wear galasses! ^__^
Look! a flying mokey!:WHERE?! CANB I PET HIM?
How many toes am i holding up?:7
What do u think of cheese?:Mmmmmmmmm...cheeeeeeeeeeeese...
Do i rock like a crazy fool?:maybe...
Do u rock like a crazy fool?:no.
Have u ever been swimming in a river in April?:I've been swimming in a freezing swimming pool in MARCH...
Ever went skydiving?:No, bnut I'd like to someday.
Ever been so scared that u peed ur pants?:No.
Ever fell down a flight of stairs?:HAHA! No...well, kind of...but not a whole FLIGHT...
Been to Hawaii?:No...I don't really see why people think Hawaii is SOOOOO great...
Jumped off ur roof?:Nope...but I've sat on one! With friends!
Fell off ur roof?:No...
Danced in the rain?:Yes! I love rain!
Got caught dancin in front of ur mirror?:No.......I don't dance...EVER...
Do u like moose?:No, not really...
Have u ever eaten a live fish?:Nope.
What do u think of when i say Argacharga?:A battery. O.O
Dont u just love this survey thingamajig?:Yesh! ^__^
Hey u! Turn that frown upsidedown!:NO!! I don't HAVE to if I don't WANT to!
What do u think of when i say....
chicken:a picture of a chicken leg comes into my mind...
monkey:Bi-curious George! *lol*
death:the Grim Reaper...
ice:black...as in black ice...it's the name of my website...>_>
nailpolish:GEEEE!!! (that's in a bad way..)
mahaba-baba:*scoots away*
Bam Margera:Who the HELL?!
fish:a picture of a dead blue fish comes into my mind...
flower:a picture of a pink flower comes into my mind...
sunscreen:gloopy, gloppy
Yes, this is the end.
Did u like this survey?:Ehh...maybe...
Any comment?:No.
Any questions i should have added?:Uhhhhhhhh...I know a few you should have taken OUT...
Any that i shouldnt have added?:oh, definitely.
Will u miss this survey?:No.
Did it change your life?:Noooooo...
ok, im done now.:*Homer voice* Woo-hoo!

Bored Survey! brought to you by BZOINK!

Anyways...ummmmmmmm...I wanna go watch TV...so I'll be doing that...

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