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Monday, July 5, 2004

   Giant...long...big....................quiz binge...
Ugh! I've been up since 5 in the morning! I finally took a shower after 5 whole days...^_^ Also, I ate last night's Hamburger Helper for breakfast!! Well, anyway...here are 'ze quizzies:

You should wear Black:
Elegant and dramatic.

A bit depressed but you will never look boring.
Dark clothes are timeless. They can show how you
really feel,
or they can hide your emotions.It is all about how
you present
yourself to other people. So what:
In black you're cool and mysterious! Go you!

What color should you wear?
brought to you by Quizilla

Yeah, that seems about accurate.

You are Thomas Kinkade. Little known to the rest of
the world, you mass produce sappy paintings of
scenery and sell them for outrageous prices.
You are a grievance on true art. Seriously
people, find out who this guy is and send him
some insulting e-mails.

What Evil Genius Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

*laughs* I didn't know Thomas Kinkade was evil! *lmao* Haha...my garndmother and my aunt both LOVE his work because it's pretty and crap...yep, I'm subtley evil! ^_^

You are Drama.
You are extroverted and like to show off, but can
be very subtle and intelligent when you want.
As an expert at story-telling, you love
attention and have developed the skill of
keeping it.
You get along well with Literature and Film.

What form of art are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Not so accurate...just the opposite really...I'm really introverted and I never show off! Because I have nothing to show off in the first place!

You are Christmas...

-| What holiday do you represent ? |-
brought to you by Quizilla

Yeah, I like snow and my family...but what exceeds everthing is...I DON'T EVEN CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS!!! Oh well, I have nothing against it, since I get free gifts...wait, aren't all gifts free?!

you will be an ARTIST! you are creative and man can
you draw! oh but that's not all you have the
talent that people will adore, and it all
starts in a sweet hopefilled enviornment...

what will your profession be?
brought to you by Quizilla
Ehh...it's more likely than the other choices...but recently I've had "Artists Block" if that even exists...

Sexy Beauty!
Sexy Beauty! I don't know why but every move you do
looks so sexy. You like that but you don't pay
a lot attention on looking sexy, you just are
it, enough said.

What kind of beauty are you? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
brought to you by Quizilla

o.O;;; I am?! I highly doubt it. Besides that...I mean, I'm fat!! I weigh like 190 pounds...I mean, goddamn, they COMPLETELY missed it!

Cowboy Bebop - YOUR bounty by Drusilla
How much are you worth?$645,746
Number of victims2,090
Your storyThey killed your only love, s/he didn't do anything wrong...So now you live in anger, living on a killing spree. You just wish you could die...and be with him/her once again.
Will you be caught?Nope, you're very devious and good when you plan your moves.
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

MUAHAHA!!! All fear me!!! *evil grin* I shall help take over the world!! Well, no...I'm evil, but not that evil...I wouldn't murder!! I'd get someone else to do the murder part!!

The beach! Bubbling and cheerful, you brighten
every room the moment you step inside. Your
kind personality is the envy of your school.

~ What Location Represents You? (cool pics)~
brought to you by Quizilla

I'm...bubbly and cheerful?! Yet again, they were WAY off! I really like the beach, but I'm no optimist...

Whats does your personality rate from 1-10? by morning_prayer
Your first full name
Your personality rates aseven
your best quality isyoure intelligent
your worst quality isyoure too nice to people
this is becauseyoure true to yourself
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Ehh...I guess so...yeah, it's pretty much right...

Are you a God?
by Demonac
God/Goddess type:God of Strength
They show devotion by:Sacrificing Infants
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Hmm...maybe...but the capitalist worshipping me part, w00t!! Now that would be fun!! ^_^

Congratulations...boys cannot resist your PLAYFUL charm!
Your charm is...Playful!

What is Your Attractive Charm? -- for girls
brought to you by Quizilla

Uhh...sure, why not?

Which Country Will you dominate
Favourite Color
Country You Will Rule Monaco
How You Came to Power won it in a poker game
How Long will you rule not long there are missiles heading you way now!
This fun quiz by jjflash - Taken 7278 Times.
Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

Haha! Cool! But...does a place called "Monaco" even exist?!

my cowboy bebop theme song is autumn in ganymede

what's your cowboy bebop theme song?

Yeah, that's pretty accurate...I just love Yoko Kanno's music!! *hugs Yoko Kanno plushie*(*lol* Is there such a thing? I doubt it...*looks to left, right* It's an...in joke...)

Kira's random questions quiz!
Favourite Color
Your favorite color is Purple
Personality Stupid
You are in your 90's
Animal you represent Shark
How funny you are 90%, and above
You like Sandwiches
This QuickKwiz by InuYashaiscool - Taken 3 Times.
New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!

Well, the stupid part is right, and I do like the color purple, but I'm definitely NOT in my 90's and...sandwiches are OK...I like *PIE* better! Mmm...pie...WHEN COME BACK, BRING PIE!!

What stupid celebrity are you destined to kill? by daydreamer8852
You killed
With a
OnMay 1, 2018
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Haha! Yeah!! Go me! I get to kill N'Sync!!! WOOHOO! I kill them with a...well, you know...that type of jewelry that rappers wear...(what's it called again? I know there's a name for it...)

Generate your Anime Style by Jena-su
Hair:Dark and cut short.
Clothes:A bit revealing, but nothing too over the top.
Special Features:Bunny ears and tail
Sidekick:The great spirit of (insert character name of choice here), as channeled through whatever item you have onhand at the time.
Attitude:Cheerful, but calm. The voice of reason.
Weapon:A ribbon dancer
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Sure, I'm a ribbon dancer! Just imagine that...(people who know me...you'll laugh...)But, it was right about that voice of reason part..

Which Japanese word are you?
by gokumew2
LJ Username
You are:Kyoku (melody)
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Yeah, I like that...and who cares if it's not my LJ username..because I don't even have one! HAHAHA!

You are Tsukasa
Tsukasa - You are Tsukasa, the WaveMaster
who can't seem to log off the network. You're
a loner and believe people are inherently
selfish and dumb. You're confident you're
better off stuck in The World, away from those
people that've hurt you.

Which Dot Hack SIGN character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Ah, yes...my dear Tsukasa...nehehe...it's not a surprise that I got that! ^_^

What comes to mind when you hear..
..summer love?:bleh
..Laura?:hoyland(that bitch...)
..Juan?:that guy I know from my classes last year...
..New Found Glory?:sucks
..orange juice?:hm...
..candid camera?:oh no!!!(once I coulda sworn I was on it...)
..football?:sucks Bri'ish bum
..rap?:you can't spell "crap" without "rap!!"
..duuude?:that turtle in Nemo...(God, I hate that movie!!)
..the end?:JIM MORRSION!!!! ^__^

The Survey Where You Say The First Word That Comes To Mind. Yay. brought to you by BZOINK!

Aren't surveys really fun?

You are Robin - quiet yet powerful
You are Robin! Still young and a bit unsure of
your abilities, nonetheless you are a force to
be reckoned with, a real hidden dragon

Which Witch Hunter Robin Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

YAY! I'm Robin! That makes sense because...I like fire!! And black!!! ^_^ Hehe...but I don't like the picture they put...it makes her look ugly! T.T

Heehee! I'm some person that has to do with pot...I don't know who that person even is T.T Oh well, we all know what UPS really stands for...UNITED POT SMOKERS!!! Anyway...

I have issues with...
Take Word Association Test

I...guess so?!

INFP - "Questor". High capacity for caring. Emotional face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 4.4% of total population.
Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test

Wow. I'm rare. I'm special after all!!! ^_^

Personality Disorder Test Results
Paranoid |||||||||| 38%
Schizoid |||||||||||||| 58%
Schizotypal |||||||||||||||| 62%
Antisocial |||||| 30%
Borderline |||||||||||||| 58%
Histrionic |||||||||||| 50%
Narcissistic |||||| 22%
Avoidant |||||| 30%
Dependent |||||||||| 38%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||| 42%
Take Free Personality Disorder Test

Well, I had always thought that I was crazy..>_>

Zzzz... by shift
importance of lifedestroy the world
Date of deathMay 10, 2058
how people feel about youlike you
income in life$5,069,788,386,747
disciple toa disciple of some unknown person
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Woohoo! I'm powerful rich! Go me!!

You are White.

Simple, Truthful and innocent. Almost with the
mind of a child, white's tend to be somewhat
naive at times. Ignorance can be bliss, but it
can also lead to a boring conversation.

What Color Best Represents Your Personality?
brought to you by Quizilla

Are they calling me boring and stupid?! Cause I'm not...wait, no never mind...they were right -.-

Introverted (I) 60% Extroverted (E) 40%
Imaginative (N) 62.07% Realistic (S) 37.93%
Emotional (F) 62.96% Intellectual (T) 37.04%
Easygoing (P) 61.54% Organized (J) 38.46%
Your type is: INFP
You are an Idealist, possible professions include - information-graphics designer, college professor, researcher, legal mediator, social worker, holistic health practitioner, occupational therapist, diversity manager, human resource development specialist, employment development specialist, minister/priest/rabbi, missionary, psychologist, writer
Take Free Career Inventory Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com

Lovely. Well, at least I know some career choices now >_>

Cari - The Maiden of Kindness

What Maiden are you?
brought to you by Quizilla



(females)what is one of your past lives? (results contain pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

OK then...but I hate being a goody-goddy! It would make me puke if I started to become one...

Well...that's about it...ooh, also, I posted a card suggestion on the [Adult Swim] BBS...and it was marked 2/5 stars/boxes...but that's good, because people don't usually rate messages...ever...anyway, it reads:

Dear [Adult Swim],

What's the meaning of life?

-Pure_Loser17 AKA Lady Hamana

Hehe...not THAT original, but it took me a loooooooooooong time to think of something decent...maybe I'll try to think of something else *ponders* BTW, yes, that IS my screen name for it...yeah, I am kind of a loser!!^__^ Also, go to the Anime Database website and go to the multimedia section...and download the NGE parody!! It's hilarious...well, if you like randomness and sex jokes that is...but I'd advise you get DivX player if you don't already have it...it has DivX encoding T.T Well, anyway, *Edward mode* BAI-BAAAAAAII!!! ^__^

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Saturday, July 3, 2004

I forgot...quiz results:

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   Mmm...monogamy...JUST KIDDING!!!
Hee hee...today, I confessed I do indeed have some fangirl things I need to sort out...>_> I JUST CAN'T LIVE WITH MYSELF!!! >_< I'M BEING TORTURED!! I mean...it makes me feel so...preppy...*shudders* but at the same time, it's *shudders again* normal...ACK! TORTURE, I SAY, TOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRTTUUUUUUUUURREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Well...to try and get it out of my head...:

Certificate of Marriage

This is to certify that


Were united in Marriage

on the 24th day of June 2004


Certificate of Marriage

This is to certify that


Were united in Marriage

on the 24th day of June 2004


Certificate of Marriage

This is to certify that


Were united in Marriage

on the 24th day of June 2004


...I feel pathetic...any post-fangirl secrecy advice?! ...............................................anyway...how do you like the new blog I made at the top? Genki, ne? ^__^ Hamana...BAI-BAI!!!

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Tuesday, June 29, 2004

   If heat rises, then why is Hell so hot?!
Oi! Today's been a long day...sort of...>.> Well, let me tell you my life story...*sarcastic, sarcastic* I never went to sleep last night and I just stayed up. I ate nachos for breakfast...(there was nothing else)...so, I was tired, and I went to sleep...THEN, at like 4 PM, my friends, Julia and Davian, came over...they halfway woke me up...they were there for about...an hour I guess? I went to sleep again...my dad called...I didn't feel like doing anything, but he woke me up, so I decided to watch TV until South Park came on. Today I watched:

-Angelic Layer, Ep.3

-Witch Hunter Robin, Ep.1

-South Park, "Chef Aid"

Not like it matters...¬.¬ WELL, here's the HIGHLIGHT of my day:

I was trying to watch Chapelle's Show, and my mom was actually cooking dinner for a change...but there was a bog 'ol grease fire, and my mom called 911...*inserts stupid joke here*Homer: Hello, operator, what's the number for 911?!*end of really stupid and pointless joke*

well, she called 911, but by the almost end of the call, the grease fire had burned itself out...but, even though it had burned itself out, we both went outside and closed the doors...and not to mention out precious, ADORABLE kitties inside!! (Luckily, they're smart and all hid under the bed! ^_^) Two firetrucks came, and I'm pretty sure I saw an EMS vehicle drive by...they got out in all that clothing with the masks on and eveything...actually, they got here very quickly. You'd think it's take longer...then again, there IS that volunteer fire department just outside my neighborhood ¬.¬;; ANYWAY, they were all like going in and crap...they found out there was no actual fire...so, instead, they gout out this high-power, big-ass fan and blew all the smoke out...it was nasty with all that freakin' smoke! It filled the kitchen and the living room and the laundry room...So, they got this huge fan out, and it was really loud too! I mean, I can stand the fire alarm at school without having to plug myears, but that fan...*faints temporarily*

Anyway, they took some information, and pretty much left. How wonderful...-.-;;

You see, I learned something today...appreciate your pets and NEVER stay up until 11 AM, and then go to sleep...I mean it...>.> Anyway, sayonara!! ^_^

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   w00t! QUIZ BINGE!!! ^_^
your quote is there is only one way to celebrate a
situation like this... waffles this means you
love waffles and your faveorite camertial is
the eggo waffles camertial. let-go of my eggo
lol^^. For you waffles is the answer to
EVERYTHING! ^^ and you have your own way of
saying thanx^^ Waffles!

what is your quote
brought to you by Quizilla

Who is your boyfriend? by ryuuichi
fave anime show
your boyfriend is:
you look like:
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Anyone know who those people are?

Masaya he's cute, athletic, smart, need I say more?
he'll take you seriesly or will he? at least he
will most of the time. but not in embarasing
situations he's so cute when he smiles ^^ thats
your sweetheart

who is your ideal type
brought to you by Quizilla

magic users club
you belong in the magic users club! hurry and grab
your broom don't want to be late to the club
meeting do ya?

what anime series do you belong in(with pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

What anime character would most likely accept you the fastest in thier group by ryuuichi
When were you born?
how often do do you space out?
You would most likely be accepted by:
Why they would exept you:they would exept you cause your fun to play with ^^ not the gross kind the hide-n-seek kind of play^^
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

if your personality was what you look like what would your quote be? by ryuuichi
your quote is:
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

People admire your Intellect!
Intellect! Brainy you ^^. You are hight
intelligent. You love riddles and to solve
them. You think logic and you have a great

Why do people admire you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Guys just love...how vulnerable you are!

What Do Guys Love About You? (with pics :3)
brought to you by Quizilla

Just SO funny!!!
You are the nonsense friend...you are happy, crazy
and a disaster...You're a really good friend
but kinda dumb, well, you're funny and cute and
that's what makes people like you...

What kind of friend are you?(anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

You're an average normal person. You're known to
hate blondes. You're a nice person that would
proble fall in the rocker tpye. You have
reguler emotion like every one eles,but are
more bord often.Rate^-^

What's your anime hair color? COOL PICS^-^UPDATED!!!
brought to you by Quizilla

Your Winter! You are sophisticated and mature. You
have many friends, all of whom you are very
close to. People look up to you, and you are
known for your inifinate wisdom. Although, you
tend to prefer being by yourself, and reading a
good book

which season are you? (anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Xuan Wu ~ Turtle
You are Xuan Wu!

Mythological background: Because the turtle has a
thick, solid shell that serves as protection -
this animal is associated with stability. You
enjoy intellectual pursuits.
Also, in Feng Shui (the Chinese myths behind
choosing a house), the black turtle's solidity
is used to protect from cold northern winds.

Which Chinese Mythological Being Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're addicted to.....

Your addicted to nothing at all? Well..... ok I
guess thats a good thing but come on just think
of the possibilities!

What are you addicted to? (pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Youre the wolf of fire! You are the one who is most
likely to be a leader. The wolf of fire has a
deep passion for almost anything and is very
noble. They are athletic and rough but are
still tender on the inside. These are probably
not the most rare type but they are still very
special. A fire wolf is such a cool being the
way they eat and hunt together. If you are the
fire wolf then you are very social and proud
although you are not always loyal. But, still
being the fire wolf is a good thing because
they are strong and do most things

What Elemental Wolf Are You? (great results/read memo)
brought to you by Quizilla

speak and spell
You're a Speak & Spell!! You nerd, you. Just
because you were disguised as a toy doesn't
mean you weren't educational, you sneaky

What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are: "Which one of my friends are

What kind of Quizilla Quiz are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

~Your Dead~ At least you feel like your your dead.
Nothing matters to you, not even your own life.
Your feeling all the terrible feelings out
there like sadness and lonelyness and
depression. You feel as if the world hates you
and you hate the world and all the people on
it. You even hate yourself. You mit as well be

what's your level in emotion? UPDATED agin!!!,GREAT PICS
brought to you by Quizilla

theOtaku.com: The Anime Friendship Quiz

theOtaku.com: What .hack//SIGN Character Are You?

You are Semajima Mamimi. You're a strange girl
indeed. You seem to have a habit of naming
everything you find after Naota. You're also
found doing some strange things at times, like
feeding cell phones to a core generator. And
you sure do have a love for cigarettes. Your
world is private, a complete dreamworld almost.

Which Furi Kuri (FLCL) Character Are You!?! (WITH PICTURES!)
brought to you by Quizilla

How evil are you?

You are Socialist

What: Socialism

Where: At the distant bottom-left of the politcal spectrum

How: Comparable to communism, socialism is an economically authoritarian political standpoint. Often, people are guaranteed jobs and given them, while workplaces are being closely regulated. Forms of it are currently instituted in many modern countries, and it is know to support the working class, but also implode economies.

What political extremity are you?

Ugh! That's a lot! So long! >.>

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Sunday, June 20, 2004

   *yawns once more*
Oh...I for got:

How to make a Shirubi

3 parts friendliness

5 parts ambition

1 part instinct
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of emotion


Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com

No smoking around Shirubi. Thankyou for your co-operation.


From Go-Quiz.com


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Saturday, June 19, 2004

Ha...ma...na...my mom has two of her friends over and...I'm trying to start making my website...HTML is a pain...then again........-.- Anyway, I mainly posted this so I could see what day it is! Boy, am I pathetic...

By the way, I'll post a link to my site when it's ready!! ^.~ Shirubi OUT!!
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Thursday, June 17, 2004

HAHA!!! I CAN FINALLY PUT PICTURES FROM MY HARD DRIVE ONTO HERE!!!! Anyway, here's some random pictures:
I think it's kinda funny...

Chinpoko Mon!

Watch me as I oscillate!

I love this facial expression XD:

Taro Panda MOVES!

They look so ADORABLE!!

Anyway...I'll put up some more pictures soon...THANK YOU PHOTOBUCKET!!! ::stream-style tears::
Shriubi OUT!

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   Just waiting for the little busters......
Nehehe...my guitar teacher cancelled without notice...AGAIN!!! That's the fourth freakin' time!! >.< Now, he owes me a month's worth of lessons...which is 2 hours...which is also 4 lessons...errrrrr...ANYWAY...

HAMANA! I'm going to start my own GeoCities website...hey, it's a start, right? Yes, the ever-most-evil raw HTML...meh...also:

theOtaku.com: What is Your Anime Zodiac?

The funny thing is...I am a Pisces...O.o;;

Meh, I say, MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHH!!!! Anyway...my firewall is of existence no more!! More hackers!! Yay! Just what I wanted!! ^_^;;; Anyway...I tried to make a Quizilla quiz...I even took the liberty of making the result pictures...but does it work on my computer? NO!!! And that makes me MAD!! >.< ...........also, what does the "c" in E=mc˛ stand for?

Bye-bye! Shirubi out...
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Tuesday, June 15, 2004

   This world is made of...LOVE AND PEACE!!
NEHEHE!!! OH...quizzes:

Which Buffy Girl Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

Are You a Ho? Find out @ She's Crafty

Who's Your 80s Movie Icon Alter-Ego? Find out @ She's Crafty

Anyway, today I watched Saving Silverman on Comedy Central today...it was OK...but there's this one line I LOVE:*In therapy session* "...and ever since then...I've been afraid of toilets..." XD Also, I got up at 5 'o clock!! IN THE AFTERNOON!! I'm pathetic...-.-;;;

Anyway................I'm going to enter the TOKYOPOP Rising Stars of Manga Contest!! The thing is...I don't have agood idea yet...::sad face::

Well, HAMANA!!!
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