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myOtaku.com: ChibiRose

Sunday, November 25, 2007

   Accident Prone....And this might be long....

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It's 4 in the morning, I just got done play DDR for and hour, reading for another hour, and I'm still hyper! I swear I'm nocturnal...

Well, like I said in my last post, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I did, oh it was SO good...I love food. ^^ Anyways:
I also said in my last post that I was going to do something stupid...and I did. Several things acctaually.
1. I almost choked on turkey.
2. I ran into a wall.
3. I slipped on ice and grazed my arm, hand, hip, and leg.
How you ask? Ok, so we're all sitting down to eat and my sister jumps out of her chair, smakcing herself, saying "there's something HUGE crawling around here!! It's big black and it was crawling on me!" I'm sitting there in a stunned scilene. ~go figure. Me? Scielent?~ So we look around and there's nothing. My ever calm Uncle Roger says "how big was it?" My sister says "about the size of a penny." Another stunned scilence. Then my "never freak out, always logical" Aunt Marylin jumps ~I mean like JUMPED~ out of her chair, screaming and covering her mouth with her hand, and pointing spasicly at my sister's shoulder. Everyone just laughs. My Anut Sharron killed the spider, but I was laughing so hard at Marylin's reaction, and I had being trying to eat, so yeah, turkey down the wrong pipe. ~This also ties into my running into a wall~ I'm laughing so hard I can't breath, so I have to get up to get water and in my dining room there's this little bit of wall that pokes out, and I can't see cuz my eyes are watering, and I can't breath, and "BAM" straight into the wall the pokes out. So not only could I not see, breath, or think, my family was laughing at me. Wonderful Thanksgiving.

So my falling on the ice...Ow. My dog Rascal is allergic to EVERYTHING ~no exsagerations~ so when I take them outside I have to watch them. And it had snowed and some had melted to form slush. ~very slick~ So I'm on the other side of the yard and I see him chewing something. I was like "oh crap" and I run to see what it is.~I have a cement side walk that divides my yard. I was on one side, the dog on the other~ Well I step in a patch of slush and fall forward. My hand hits a cracked bit of sidewalk, and slids left, grazing my elbow raw. I turn my body to the side and catch my hip on the side of the sidewalk and my leg does something no leg is supposed do. ~painfully odd angle~

So yeah, I've come to the conclusion that I'm the most accident prone person in the world...and clutzy. ^_^

Well, Thanks Fox for commenting on my last post!



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