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Sunday, April 29, 2007

new account?
i'm making a new one...

i'll prolly have a few new arts up, too.
i don't seem to be getting to much feedback here,
so, that's why i need a new account.
plus i don't like this name.

besides that,
i'm getting yelled at to get offline.

i'm failing algebra.
an science.
and i'm about to fail language arts.
and i'm failing AVID,
because i forgot about this HUGE 100-point project i had to do over the week-end.
in which i needed to use the internet for.
and...i have to get offline now.
so...that just doesn't work.


is on!
i haven't seen that in forever!
i'll go watch that now, bye!

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

y thanq, trivie-channn. >w
trivie-chann drew this for meee.
well, not really.
she was at first just drawing it because she got a shot and her arm hurt too much to go to school,
so she was stuck in her room and decided to draw.
but she decided to give it to meee.

y tanq yas, trive-chan.

from left-to-right;
alex[aru-kun], me[tiffany/chibi-chan], allison[trivie-chan], riley[he doesn't have a supper duper cool nick name. D:]

haha. i showed this to my other friend, fayebrina, who doesn't know alex, allison, nor riley.
she decided that she w3anted to stereotype us all.
it gave me a good laugh.
this is what she said:
aru-kun: skaaaater kid.
chibi-chan[mhehe!! mee!]: emo/scene kid.
trivie-chan: emo/goth kid.
riley: punker kid.

i love my friends.

and i'll love alex even longerrr.

i demand you all to comment on just how cute this picture is.
or, yanno,
just say anything you want.
i love comments.
make me happy, yanno.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

i'm pretty muchhhh...
very excited!?!?!
you bet.

i got my internet on my computer to work!
and my scanner!

but...i lost all of my art trades.
i could redo them.
but i need people to remind me
of who they are
and what they wanted me to draw.
and they must give me proof of what they drew me.

kthnx LOVELIES...

testing something outttt.

the pumpkin king.

the pumpkin queen.

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Monday, April 16, 2007

guess what?
another reminder to print.
sorry i keep doing that.
i like putting pictures of people on my binder and folders and stuff.

well, uhhh.
comments on ze pictures?

i need to change my layout and shizz.
the stuff.

i'll be getting new art up, too.
sorry i'm taking so long with the requests.
but seriously.
i'm always using my laptop, right?
i have to use my computer, which is upstairs,
to upload stuff and print.
which means i also have to use the internet.
ya see, my internet is fine on my laptop.
but for some reason it wants to be all gay
on my computer!?
same for my printer/scanner/copier.
it's just gay.

my wonderful boyfrienddd and [eww]me. ¢¾

mheheee. snuggles.

^///^ i love him. ¢¾

MY alex.


hehe. jade and my penguin plushie, 'made-in-china'. :DD

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Friday, April 13, 2007

another reminder.
to print these out.
and put 'em on my binderrrrr.

my alex & meeeeee.

my alex. ¢¾

alexxx. ¢¾

cutiee. ^///^ my alex! ¢¾


hahaha. becca!

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Monday, April 9, 2007

i need to print these out. [reminder.]
for an art project.

music and photography.

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Sunday, April 1, 2007

my boyfriend came back from his week in quebec.
and i doodled this for him on friday,

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Well, lesse lesse.
I have to draw...
5 pictures.
all art trades.

and yeah...

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Sunday, March 18, 2007

i finally got a layout.
all made by me,
with my lack of knowledge of CSS/HTML on MYO.
i'm good with CSS/HMTL,
just not here.
go figure.

i'm still working on the profile it's self,
but the layout is pretty cute, i think.

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