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myOtaku.com: Caprice

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Ok, I have a question. It occurred to me that many of you are busy right now with school. However, spring break is coming up in just around a month. So, my question is should I hold off on the Otakubowl until then? I think the turn out might be better if I do. I know some of you are anxious for it to get started, and I am too. But I'd like to get as many people involved in this as possible.

And thank you to everyone for giving me plenty of extra nominations.

And now onto the news. Hmmm, there doesn't seem to be any headlines. The weather has been cold here. It's supposed to get a little bit warmer, though. *thumbs up*

I've been watching the Winter Olympics quite a bit. I'm what you'd call an Olympics junkie. I enjoy watching most of the events. Though, for Winter Olympics I think I enjoy watching the different Snowboarding events, and Men's Speedskating. I love to watch Apolo Anton Ohno and Chad Hedrick. Those two are awesome.

Oh, and for anyone who has been following it at all. Snowboarder Hannah Teter was asked what she had been listening to and she mentioned a band called Strive Roots. It turns out that her boyfriend is the guitarist for the band. Well, I went to their site and checked 'em out. They are a pretty good band. Not exactly what I listen to most of the time. But I could see myself listening to that kind of music on occasion.

Well, that's about all I can think of to talk about right now. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Take care.

Catcha later...

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